Tuesday 29 December 2009

2009 and the year ahead

2009 came with it's challenges whether it was work, family, church or finances. I'm glad 2009 is over and I hope 2010 will be better. What do I understand being better is, more money, no arguements, no family crisis, church running smoothly, no one complaining. No these I enjoy, we need to argue and get things of our chests so we can live together. We need a crisis to bring us together, a united front. Church running smoothly what a bore. No what I want to do is make better time to cement my daily prayer into my daily life, let something else break. Spend time with God to listen more and understand my calling, this would make life better. There are things in my life I need to iron out and I'm putting building block in place to resolve these.

I hope during this period where most of us are not at work take time to reflect and recreate yourself and here I am looking forward to 2010.

Thursday 24 December 2009


Happy Christmas to all of you

Monday 9 November 2009

This weeks sermon (8/11)

Moiras sermon this week was about Rememberance Day.

As with Moira I wasn't born during a war nor have I ever experienced the affects war can have on a community. In the past I have attened Rememberance services with Cubs and Scouts and as a leader, I have slowly over the years seen the amount of people attending dwindle and now I see them increasing in numbers which is good. Still I have not had to experience war. I have a lot of respect for all our troops who have been involved or who are involved in any of the wars around the world at the moment.

The first war I remember was the Falklands war, nobody actually knew where the Falkland Island actually are, most thought they were off the coast of Scotland. I have watched the Gulf war on CNN available 24 hours a day, then Iraq again 24 hours a day but still so far away that they didn't really connect. Now we have Afganistan and our troops are mobilised all over the world and we need to remember both the people of old wars and the new. I don't always agree with the politics of war but our men and women are out there protecting and we must remember them.

The next time you pray for peace in worn torn area's remember our own men and women.

Read Moira's sermon again follow this link Sermon 8/11

Monday 2 November 2009

Saints and Supper Evening

All Saints welcomed Sevenways and St Matthews.

A fantastic evening was had by all.

There was plenty of Hot Pot, Jacket Spuds, Apple Pie and Trifle for everyone and I think some people had thirds never mind seconds.

Quiz winners "Double Value" I'm sure they had a helping hand :o))
Lots of Bingo winners - what a fantastic game that is ha ha

Sunday 1 November 2009

All Saints Sermon 1/11

All Saints Day Service Sunday 1/11 10am

All Saints' Day (officially the Solemnity of All Saints and also called All Hallows or Hallowmas), often shortened to All Saints, is a solemnity celebrated on 1 November in Western Christianity, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Christianity in honour of all the saints, known and unknown.

For more information on All Saints Day please have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Saints

Moira's sermon this week really made me think, I'm not against Halloween, I enjoy the children knocking at the door in their frightening costumes and letting them take a selection of sweets from the pumkin bucket. It's good to see people going round their community, why don't Christians embrace this evening. But how? That has always been my problem but this week Moira has given me what I need. We can remind people why the ghouls and wirches are out, they are being chased off by the saints of God, the good old good vs evil story. We can also tell them of the frightening deaths some of the saints endured - John the Baptist having his head chopped off and it served to Herod on a plate, Laurence roasted on a barbeque, Stephen stoned to death. What great stories to tell the children :o) I'll be doing a bit more research on our Saints, watch out for more stories.

Moira's 1/11 All Saints Day sermon follow this link sermon 1/11

All Souls Day - 2 Novemember ( Our Service this year will be on Sunday 1/11 at 7.30pm)

In Western Christianity, All Souls' Day commemorates the faithful departed. All Souls' Day is also known as the Feast of All Souls, Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed.

For more information on All Souls please take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Souls%27_Day

Friday 30 October 2009


I came across this....


and seen as though Lostock Partnership have spent so much money on the improvements to the local park, including a skate park, something to think about.....

Thursday 29 October 2009

AS Mens Fellowship Meal


The meal has been rescheduled to Thursday November 19th @ 7.30pm

Please contact Steve to book your place.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Poverty - What is the Solution?

Watch.... and pray

Walsingham 2009 Pictures

As promised, several pictures from our Walsingham Pilgrimage;

The pilgrims;

Stuart and Steve carry the image of Our Lady;

Bishop Lindsey;

Monday 26 October 2009


Over and over again, we witness a lack of tolerance amongst us and see those with similar views group together and act against others.
As Christians we are always being asked to be tolerant of others, but what does it actually mean? For most of us it means putting up with something we don't like, the bible tells us to be tolerant, Matthew 7.1 (NIV) "Do not judge or you too will be judged"

How many times do we not tolerate others, their ideas, their practises? Do you want them to follow your own ideas and practises? If you stop and listen to yourself is it that the other person has to be tolerant of you but not you don't have to be tolerant of them, are you saying they should do something else that pleases you and conforms to your ideas and practises? No one is perfect all the time and we can lead a much happier life with tolerance flowing both ways.

As Christians we need to demonstrate love and understanding and it can be done without being judgmental and without conditions. According to Dictionary.com, one definition of tolerance is that it is "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own."

I'm not saying that you sit back and do nothing as this shows no tolerance at all. If you look at the definition above (again) it says objectively, fairly a permissive attitude - not roll over. It is possible to have discussions with people that are respectful even if we don't share the same beliefs and practises. There are lots of examples that we accept without saying anything, for example gossip, if people are gossiping do you let it go, join in even or do you do something about it and be honest with yourself? True tolerance allows us to listen to what the other person is saying. When we listen, we can have great discussions that bridge divides rather than grow rifts.

Even if you do not agree with someone that you feel you must share on the issue, do so in a non-attacking way; maybe ask more questions about their views, differences or cultural beliefs and respectfully share back what you know. Being tolerant can in fact be a good thing, you have to listen and learn, learn more from the person you are having the discussion with, asking questions may just bring a better understanding of why they do what they do and may even enhance what you believe.

Use this verse that promotes tolerance for personal reflection and meditation in quiet moments.

May we remember
In our humanity
We are part of a world family.

Noting differences
While remaining peaceful.

Recognizing that each
Has the right
To determine their reality.

Allowing us to remain calm
When we think others should act differently.

Tolerance breeding happiness
As we take tender insights
Into living.

Blossoming in peace, joy, happiness, love.
Acceptance in love by practicing love.

Meditation - Susan Helene Kramer

Saturday 24 October 2009

Fresh Expressions 2

Prior to starting Fresh Expressions I have felt quite strongly that God was calling me to gather people to bring my master plan together. Fresh Expressions suggests that you start with prayer. Over the last six weeks I have prayed, listened and prayed and discovered that God is actually challenging me to put aside the ideas and plans that I had conceived and instead to search for interested people where God led me, this is the next step, finding support. I had been trying to fit people into the gaps in my plan, the problem with this is that you are not listening and being open with them, it lags integrity. To build the relationships up that you need to discern Gods call and what we will do in response you need to listen and be open to the people i come into contact with. God is calling me to listen and get to know unchurched people without jumping in too soon with some form of responsive action.
Through prayer the next step is to find people who have the same interest/calling and are willing to pray and work out what God is saying to us regarding the community needs.
At this moment I do not know how this is going to work, I will continue in prayer and wait to be led to people and places and be able see the opportunities God gives to me.
Prayer is essential and the next step as God leads me within the community is to ask myself "what does loving service look like here?"

I'm sure in time waiting and listening to see what God does with us will build a community of unchurched and dechurched people. Let me know if you are interested in organising prayer meeting specifically for discerning Gods call in the community.

Where do you stand?

600 Church of england Priests are meeting soon to discuss the Popes offer for them to join their own section of the Roman Catholic Church.

This has come about as the C of E is moving towards allowing women bishops and many of the "High Church" catholic Anglicans want access to male alternatives. The Pope has suggested that they can transfer and retain their Anglican identity, seems like an offer they cannot refuse.

But how can the CofE ever unify with Rome when both cannot agree on womens roles within the church?

What does this mean for the CofE is it the end of the chruch as we know it?

Personally I would like for us all to be unified however I can't now see this happening in the current structure, however I do not believe we should be without women in imp[ortant roles.

Friday 23 October 2009

Christian and Jewish Holocaust Study Day

For those who went to the Menorah Synagogue at Sharston to see Rabbi Brian Fox, Rev David Thomas, Rev Rachel Mann debate prayer. Rabbi Brian told us about Holocaust Day and many of you wanted to attend well here are the details;

Date: 13 November 2009 9.00 - 13.30

The study day, an intensive half-day event which has now run annually for ten years, is quite different from the Holocaust Education Trust's national events held each January. We focus on the religious viewpoint rather than the social and political aspects of genocides, and aim to provide unique insights. Our subject matter is serious, but the tone of the event is hopeful and often uplifting.

Menorah Synagogue, 198 Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4RZ
Admission Fee: Free
Contact: Eric Roth - TEL: 0161 485 6051

It should be a very intersting morning. If you would like to go let me know.

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Video

CTiS Advent

Advent takes place the 4 Sundays before Christmas Day. Advent is a time of anticipation and hope.

It is the start of a new year for the church but what does it mean for each of us? Does anything change?

Are we going to have a service this year to begin advent?
Advent study group?
Advent reflections?

Suggestions please.

Churches Together in Stretford

Meeting arranged for Tuesday 3rd November at All Saints 7.30pm

For discussion;

Advent Services
Lent Course 2010
Interfaith Week - 15-21 November - http://www.interfaithweek.org/index.htm
International Day of Prayer - 15 November - http://www.csw.org.uk/getinvolvedhome.htm
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - 18-25 January 2010 - http://www.ctbi.org.uk/414
Poverty and Homeless Action Week - 30 Jan - 7 Feb 2010 - http://www.actionweek.org.uk/html/home.html

Anything else that you would like to do as CTiS????

Lent Courses

Yes it's that time of year again we need to be thinking about what we will be doing in lent 2010. By the time we have thought about what we are doing sent of for the resources it will soon be here.

Lent next year starts on Ash Wednesday 17th Feb and finishes on Holy Saturday 3rd April 2010

Mmmmm will it be savoury, traditional, indulgent or one of everything so besides what filling I should have in my pancake, what resources shall we use???

If you have any ideas let me know..... lets be creative this year and build on the success we have had over the last few years.

Looking forward to responses and any ideas for pancakes also welcome, melted Fair Trade chocolate, FT Brown Sugar, FT Banana filling mmmmmm..................................

Thursday 22 October 2009

Saints and Supper

All Saints, Saturday 31st October 7.30pm

Parish social evening. There will be a fire, baked potatoes, hot pot, chat and games.

Bingo !!! Quizes !!! Prizes !!!

All welcome.

Church Mice

I hope Moira doesn't think we fall asleep during her sermons ha ha

See Church Mice at the bottom of this page

Wednesday 21 October 2009

AS Mens Group

The All Saints Mens group is kicking off again - sorry for the interuption

I'm looking to put a fellowship meeting together in Nov/Dec and then plan for the rest of 2010

ideas so far;

November/December – Evening Meal
January – Discussion
February – Lent Discussion
March – Discussion - Personal Journeys
April – Mission and Outreach
May - Visit to the Gorton Monastery and organised tour of the building (Date TBC)
June – Men’s Retreat (Day or weekend)
July – Joint meeting with spouses?
August – No Event
September - TBC
October - TBC
November - TBC
December – Christmas Meal, (Spouses)

It's not set in stone if anyone wants to share their interests or have contacts then let us know at the next meeting

Watch this space for more details...

Prayer October/November

Please include in your prayers this month

  1. continuing prayers while we discover what God is already doing in our community and how we as "church" can get involved.
  2. thanks for refreshment from the pilgrimage to Walsingham
  3. pray for our cuommunities the diversity we can find, unity and working together
  4. increasing understanding of our faiths
  5. 15th Nov - unite in prayer and bring refuge, hope and strength to persecuted Christians
  6. for the work of the CTiS that it grows and is of benefit to some
  7. pray for strength for ourselves to be able to show and tell others what it is really like to be Christian
  8. prays of thanks and remembrance of those lost in all wars, their families and loved ones
  9. pray for creative and new ways to bring church to our communities

Sunday 18 October 2009

Walsingham Oct 2009

This year we stayed for a week and loved every minute of it. For those who haven't heard of Walsingham have a look at this link. http://www.walsinghamanglican.org.uk/welcome/index.htm

17 of us made the journey and stayed in the shrine grounds, what happiness when you get there I hear you ask. Well it's a full week, once you have your room (which are very pleasant) it's down to what you want to take part in. There are regular services and service we organise ourselves, these include Stations of the Cross, 15 outdoor stations that tell the passion story and are used to meditate on the sufferings of Jesus. We had two reflective worship meetings one at the beginning, this was to bring everyone together for prayer and discussion on what this journey meant to each one of us. At the end the meeting concentrated on reflection for the week and suggestions of help for when you returned to normal life. Life is not normal at Walsingham.

This year Stuart and I had the honour of processing Our Lady at the Wednesday evening service, but most of all this year I will remember the healing service and what can only be described as a religious experience - absolutely amazing. There will be some photo's when I get my hands on them.

As part of the visit we take part in shrine prayers comitting ourselves to be more like God. This year we had just missed St Therese relics but to find out more have a look at this; http://catholicrelics.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/walsingham-awash-with-pilgrims-not-rain/

With a visit to Norwich cathedral, the slipper chapel and RC Shrine a busy and fruitful week was had by all.
I especially had a spiritual week with refreshment and encounters..... can't wait for next year infact I'm planning something already :o)
If you have any suggestions for next year let me know.

French 54mm

Andrea 54mm Miniatures

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Fresh Expressions

Hi, I have been attending a Fresh Expressions of Church course over the last few weeks. It's come at an opportune time as our church looks to see what God is doing within and outside our Church and how we can move forward and engage with the local community.

Attending the course has given me some motivation (I have been lacking recently) to look at myself and the Church and see where God has been leading us. Throughout the course the message to me has been "relationships" we need to have relationships with others to spread the good news.

We need to know who they are, what they are like and then discover how we can present the Gospel in a challenging and thought provoking method.

AS Mens group will be re-established as this is a important part of my ministry, Men face different challenges and don't always have the place or time to do church things. So providing an environment where men can gather be them selves eat and chat seems perfect to me. Watch this space.......................

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Reflection - Plasm 139

Hi its been some time since my last blog. I have been really busy and have not found much time for relaxation and reflection really. Sometime my priorities are not always as they should be and I get engrossed in things that should not be so immediate. Recently I have been thinking about getting some time out and reflect over the last few months and respond to Gods giving. Psalm 139 (one of my favourites) God knows me inside and out,He knows what is on my tongue, he knows what I need and I have no way of being anywhere where God isn't. I have been busy but I don't have to worry I haven't missed out on anything, my everyday concerns have been met. What I do need to do is respond and understand God's thoughts for me.

Our annual trip to Walsingham is fast approaching, this will be a good week for fellowship and time for reflection.

Friday 5 June 2009

Susan Boyle and the Love of God

One of my own pet hates is judging people before I know them and here is a great example.

"It may be the best example of the how God sees us--and the way that the world often doesn't."

Read more > Susan Boyle and the Love of God

Prayer Diary for June

Please include in your prayers this month:

Pray for;

1. The sick, those at home or in hospital - pray for God's healing power
2. Those who have lost someone dear
3. Meetings at Church - PCC, for understanding and doing Gods will
4. Church Unity - demoninations and people within your own church
5. Those caught up in war, famine and natural disaters.
6. Youngsters who find relief through self harm
7. Growth in our church

Pentecost has arrived

Last weekend was Pentecost and the second service from our new Priest in Charge Rev Moira. There was a change to the usual format that not all appreciated, words that we have spoken week after week were omitted and some couldn't remember what they were or didn't know when to respond. It just shows you that sometime religion is repetitive, you don't have to think. I love change, I love being made to think about my actions in church, why am I doing this or that?

I enjoy the Pentecost service, remembering what happened on that day as descibed in Acts. The apostles receiving the Holy Spirit. It reminds me that I also received the Holy Spirit and it lives in me, encouraging me to live my life to the full and know the Holy Spirit is working away in my life. Pentecost is a time to refresh yourself in the Holy Spirit and feel that breeze on your cheek.

Friday 8 May 2009

Hope not Hate Campaign

Please have a look at this, it is backed by the CofE. Bishops in Manchester have been signing pledges to support this campaign.


The current climate for our political parties isn't very good, they have lost the trust of many of us. However we need to stop the BNP from aquiring enough votes to get elected which means you have to use your vote but who do we vote for now, well have a look at the Christian Party and see what you think of their policies.


Tuesday 5 May 2009

A New Priest is Arriving

Finally after just over a year without a priest we have one. Licensing is May 20th.

I can't wait, I have lots of questions as I'm sure she has too. Anticipation, anxious, will we like her? Will she like us?

I'm sure everything will be ok.

Her name is Rev. Moira

Here's to a great new friendship.

Thursday 16 April 2009


Over the last few years I have felt a calling towards something and no matter how much I have ignored or tried to ignore this overwhelming feeling it draws me back. I can manage to not think about it for a while and then BANG it's back and it's all I can think about. I have focused throughout Lent on developing myself as a Christian and trying to catch up on some reading. During Lent several people suggested I may need to follow a path into the church. Why do people think that because you are involved quite heavily within the church you must want to automatically be ordained, always gets me but in my case even though I jest with the suggesters deep in my heart it's true. I feel God has something else planned for me and wants me to do more work - I'm not sure what this is and this is where I need some help.

I know I need to follow this through. We have a new Priest in Charge arriving soon and I think I will wait for her to arrive and have a further chat when she has settled in.

Let see over the next few months which path God has chosen, I'll be adding journal entries.

It's been a while

Sorry, I javen't had much time recently to update anything or enter any thoughts and meanderings.

I was ill for a short time and the focus of Holy Week has over taken me.

Vocation and dicernment have also been part of the focus of lent for me. I have been reading several books, Mission Shaped Church, Life and Works of a Priest and A Deacons Ministry.

Time has been taken up by praying and reflecting ob my own path and where I am going and the great Lent course our churches put on this year.

"The Church is a community of people in mission"

Be back soon....

Sunday 15 March 2009

Intercessions 15/3/09

The bidding today is LORD OF LENT and the response is RENEW OUR LIVESLet us pray.Lord Jesus, you called us to renounce evil and we remember today that, at the start of your ministry, you were tried and tempted by the forces of evil. You resisted the chance to be popular instead of faithful;to choose fame instead of service and power instead of sacrifice - but you set us all an example to follow by choosing the way of the Father.Teach us how to recognise the approach of evil in all its forms and to be on our guard against it. You faced temptation in your life and because of this may we never be ashamed of temptation in our own lives - but save us from the weakness that gives way to it. Grant us all the strength to stand up against all that is evil and keep us firm in times of trial and temptation knowing that your support and love are always close at hand.Make us resolute in obeying your will and seeking your kingdom that we may stay true to you.Lord of LentRenew Our LivesLord Jesus, we pray for your blessing on all who confess belief in you that they may witness powerfully to your unselfish love and humility. We offer you our thanks that we can meet together in this church and pray openly to you. We remember and pray for those who are denied this opportunity and are persecuted for their faith. We pray for all Christians wherever they may be and may they be strengthened by the power of your love.Help each one of us to see our priorities and not be led astray, Too often we fail to live up to our ideals; we compromise for comfort; we become too concerned about material things and seek our own glory. We fail to put our trust in you, trusting only in our own schemes and plans. During this time of Lent help us more clearly to see the ways by which we follow you and as we come to you for direction and nourishment, help us to forget ourselves and find true happiness in serving you. As we re examine our lives through self discipline, prayer and study may we enter your stillness, be sensitive to your call and know your will for us.Lord of LentRenew Our LivesLord Jesus, we pray for all people who hold positions of authority that they do not misuse their power to the detriment of those they are supposed to be helping. We pray for all the world’s leaders and for our own leaders who are responsible for making decisions about our future. We pray that they will be given the insight and integrity to govern wisely according to your will, being fully aware of the true needs of the people.Lord Jesus, look with compassion on all those whose minds are full of anxiety and bewilderment and for whom everyday is one of despair. We pray especially for the 3 International Aid workers kidnapped in the Sudan, for their safe return.
We pray for those caught up in conflict in Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
We pray that you will turn their despair to hope and free them from fear and self hatred. Whatever the future may bring them, may they know that you are the rock on whom they depend and that your love will help to ease their burden.Lord of LentRenew Our Lives
Lord Jesus, we pray that you will bless and protect our homes, our families and our friends. Help us to build bridges of tolerance and understanding between the different generations. May our homes be havens of peace and rest – a place to call our own and a community in which we can feel safe and secure.Help us to be mindful of those who have no homes, families or friends. Make us grateful for all that we have so that we may use every endeavour to ensure that every person has a home to call his own and feels wanted within his own community.
We pray for the children and young people connected to our church through the various groups and especially for those who are beginning to sense the wonder, mysteries and difficulties of life. We ask that you will hold them in your love. May they, through the good influence of parents, families and the church, grow into a fuller understanding of your love and purpose. Help each one of us to respond to their needs. Give us patience and compassion, and help us to offer them our time and our experience with true sincerity and love.Lord of LentRenew Our LivesWe pray for all people everywhere in their varying needs. Into the gentleness of your healing love we bring before you the lonely, the hungry, those living in poverty and those without hope. We remember all those who are ill and in pain: those recovering from surgery - giving thanks for the work and dedication of our doctors and nurses: for those involved in crippling accidents. Today we pray for the victims, their families and the survivors of the recent German shootings and we offer our thanks for the work of the emergency services throughout the world.We have in our hearts some people known only to ourselves, who are in need of our prayers and we remember them in a moment of quiet……………….And this morning we pray especially for those who have been made known to us….PEW SHEET
May your healing touch support and strengthen them and we pray that you will remove from them all that hurts, harms and hinders.Lord of LentRenew Our LivesWe pray for all those who are mourning the loss of loved ones that you will comfort and strengthen them in their time of need.We remember before God all those who have died…………..
This morning we pray for and remember those whose anniversaries fall at this time …………………………Confident in the promise that those who believe in you will live though they have died, we give you thanks for all who have left their earthly body and now share with you the joys of heaven. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday 11 March 2009


Glen has a very good job with good working conditions and a great compensation package. He is an electrical engineer with a manufacturing company. His boss is very pleased with his work and Glen has good chances of continued promotions. He is well liked by those with whom he works. Glen and his wife Carol have raised three children who have all left home each with established lives and careers. Glen's life is comfortable, predictable and the road ahead seems very bright.
One day, while on a break at work, Glen reads a magazine article about a water project in El Salvador. The local people are trying to develop a system of wind-generated electricity to pump water for drinking and irrigation. They are seeking expertise from an electrical engineer. The magazine article promises that the work will be very rewarding. What could be more rewarding than helping people obtain a basic necessity of life like water? However, there is a catch. The person who comes to lead this project will be paid very little, will live in a small modest room, will work with mostly untrained labourers, and the weather could be very hot! Dream job…no not really!
Glen puts the article down and goes back to work. A little later that afternoon the article reappears in his mind, then the next day and the next. He starts waking up with the project as his first thoughts. Glen becomes restless, not able to sleep well at night. Why won't this leave him? He is very comfortable with his current job, the people with whom he works, the town in which he lives, and all parts of his life. He wants to enjoy the freedom he and Carol have. He has earned this lifestyle and he is going to take pleasure from it. After a few weeks of continuously trying to rid himself of the thoughts of the project with no success Glen finally confides in Carol. He tells her about the article and the project in El Salvador and how he just can't shake the thought of these people without water. He doesn't know what to do.
Carol patiently listens to Glen and then calmly says, "Honey, maybe this is God calling you to do this work."… Glen looks at her in disbelief. God calling him…Why he hardly knows anything about God, he hasn't been to church for years. Why would God pick him? Couldn't God see that he is quite happy where he is, doing what he is doing? Carol feels Glen's despair and suggests that they pray together. They have never prayed together as a couple, but this day they do. They ask God for direction. Is this really God calling them to go to El Salvador or is Glen just too stressed and this idea has taken hold in him? Carol also suggests that Glen talk with a few trusted friends to get their opinion. One particular person Glen seeks advice from is his mentor Gary. Gary, who is about to retire, had taken Glen under his wing when he first joined the company. Gary listens thoughtfully. He too thinks this may be God nudging him and asking him to leave behind the comfortable world to help those in need. Glen contacts the people in El Salvador and learns more about the project.
After much prayer and listening for God's direction, Glen and Carol believe that this is truly God's call upon their skills and accept the idea of going to El Salvador. Glen takes an extended leave from work and they fly to their new home. Glen begins work with limited technology and with little capital for needed supplies. Many of the workers do not understand English. Quite honestly some days Glen wonders if he has made the right decision. And yet each time when it seems like he has come to a crossroad with no direction, help comes. Glen becomes more and more excited as he learns to feel and see the presence of God in his work. As he claims God's presence in his life Glen is more alive than he has been in years. After months and months of planning, construction and very hard work the windmills are generating water. Hallelujah! Glen and Carol often pray together during this time and grow closer to one another and with God. Glen says that he would never have known such joy, peace and sense of satisfaction if he had stayed in his comfortable safe, secure world. He thanks God for the call upon his skills and life.
Each one of us is called to ministry…to share the skills and talents that we have been given by God. Not all of us are called to leave our homes and families. God calls many of us to use our gifts right were we live and work. God gives us different skills, varying abilities so that all talents may be used to benefit the world. But how do we know that it is truly God calling us to do something? How does discernment happen? God's call sometimes comes as a nudging of the Spirit, like Glen reading the article and then not being able to let it go. Many will say that the principal sign of the Holy Spirit is surprise. When we have ideas that we would not have dreamed up on our own I invite you to wonder if it is God. At times God's call comes to us as someone asking us to do a particular task or project… this person sees gifts and talents in us that we honestly cannot see in ourselves. My guess is, this has happened to you. Someone comes with an outrageous suggestion that they think you can respond to, and you just know they've lost their minds. And your immediate response is, "I can't do that!" But after giving it some thought you say, "God this seems like you are calling me, let's give it a try."
Prayer is an essential part of discernment. Like Samuel, we may need to sit in silence and say to God, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening." Samuel needed the guidance of Eli his mentor, as he did not know whose voice he heard. We too need to seek out the wisdom of our mentors and trusted friends, those in our community of faith, as God works through them as well. Someone with an outside viewpoint can see the bigger picture and help us sort through what might feel very confusing… Someone who knows us and can truly say, "Go for it…You have the God given skills to do this piece of work to which you are called." It is interesting that Eli, Samuel's mentor, has to make Samuel do what God has called him to do. We may try to avoid the call of God and a mentor or trusted friend can keep us accountable to the call.
Learning to recognize God's Word for us individually and as a community of faith may involve more than just our willingness to serve God. Like Samuel we need mentors who will help us recognize when God wants us to sit in silence and listen. We need friends like Philip who encourages Nathanael to "come and see" …to discover God's activity in our lives. We need leaders like Eli who encourage the telling of God's truth no matter how painful or life-changing that Word may be. We need those who help us recognize God's prophetic Word so that we may be faithful servants whose response to God is "Here I am."


Each one of us is called to ministry…to share the skills and talents that we have been given by God. Not all of us are called to leave our homes and families. God calls many of us to use our gifts right were we live and work. God gives us different skills, varying abilities so that all talents may be used to benefit the world. But how do we know that it is truly God calling us to do something? How does discernment happen?

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Prayer - Nourishment

I was thinking about how prayer gives me nourishment to carry on or helps me to put aside problems and trust in what God is doing with me. I believe I am always learning when praying, prayer gets better, when praying I do not stray and see things through God. But I do find it hard to trust, to understand and to make sure that I open up fully. I know God is around me and knows my inner most thoughts but sometimes I cannot get them out myself.
Each time we pray it gets easier, it is a relationship and we need to work at it and build it up over a period of time. We need to do this daily as we would in any relationship, I speak to my mum each day, my wife everyday, we need to speak to God everyday. Imagine if we were building a house and we did some building today and then left it, prayer is often left out of our lives for various reasons. Sometimes work is very busy, sometime home life can be busy and challenging so we miss the things we think we can do without. I don't believe we can do without prayer it is the nourishment that sustains us in our daily lives.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Ramblings about the week and Lent

A fair old week I've just had and although I haven't done much except lie down and read I'm still extremely tired. I have gone back to work today and now I'm even more exhausted, I'll have to have a afternoon snooze.

My Lenten plans have been messed up and I'm really eager to get them back on track. Along with the more frequent mass attendances and beefing up my prayer life in other ways as well. It is easy to miss out on prayer and attending extra services at church. Sometimes it cannot be helped such as when your ill but now I'm recovering I want to return to my plans. My other plans included some extra reading, especially on calling/vocation and discerning my own vocation within the Church.

Calling, vocation whatever word you want to use has been at the back of my mind for a few years now. How do you know you have a calling, people tell you. I know I need to follow up. Ever since my return to the church the whole experience has been different, not just participating but growing. Up to now I have attended several vocation evening's, a Living Stones conference and a chat with the DDO. I am aware that this is a new relationship with God and I see ordination simply as an outward public sign of that relationship and that the change in you as a person when you are ordained that others see in your ministry. So it doesn't have to be ordination into Priesthood but it could be another area, reader ministry or OLM for instance.

Anyway, it's the second week of our Lent course tonight. We are looking at what nourishes and sustains us on our journey to follow Christ. I'll let you know all about it.


Last Friday I visited a stewardship seminar at a local church. I wanted to gain two things from the evening;

A understanding of money from a biblical perspective - how should I be with my money & An understanding of what stewardship.org can do for others in the church with financial problems.

The evening was very good and informative, whether I can use this in my own church setting is debatable, however I can use the principles in my own life very easily. Definately worth looking at in the current economic climate.

For more information click on http://www.stewardship.org.uk/money/index.htm and have a look.

A wake up call!!

Hi, this weeks been a busy week but not in the normal sense, last weekend I had severe chest pains and eventually visited the doctors on Monday night only to be told I have to go straight to A&E.

Once in A&E I was hooked up to an ECG and several syringe fulls of blood were taken away. Whilst waiting for the results to come back I was informed I'm now in the "high risk" category now that I'm 43 (I'd forgot I was 43, my brain doesn't think I'm that old). Anyway while waiting you start to imagine all sorts of things that could be wrong and you become a bit anxious, however around midnight they advise that my heart was in good condition but they didn't know what was actually causing the chest pains so i would have to stay in hospital.

I was admitted to the medical assessment unit for more tests. the next day results started to come in and the consultant visited me. The outcome was inflammation of the chest wall - whatever that means. They also found out I had a raised cholesterol reading of 6.2. I didn't think that was too bad, I know it's high but not as high as most peoples I know.

When you are lay there on the bed you have some time to think - What if this was my heart, what if this was more serious. At home the kids had been waiting for some response from Jackie so that they could all go to sleep, they had stayed up, waiting for some news. I was so glad that I was deemed healthy, so glad to be going home. I need to rest, I need to get rid of the pain, I need to take my tablets. I'll be using the rest of the week to read, paint and sleep.

This is a wake up call and in future I'll be making sure there is time for resting and recharging my batteries.

Monday 23 February 2009

New Windows - At last!!

The new entrance door windows have been installed, nextw eek the new oak panels will be in place, here are a couple of pictures of the progress so far.

They look fantastic, the phone camera does not do them justice...
Next steps; Install Oak panels on bottom of doors and then have them re-polished.

Getting Ready for Lent

Tomorrow is "Shrove Tuesday" and the day before Ash Wednesday the start of Lent.
It's time to start getting ready physically and spiritually for this holy season.
It's a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins.
Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called Pancake Day after the fried batter recipe traditionally eaten on this day.
But there's more to Shrove Tuesday than pigging out on pancakes or taking part in a public pancake race. The pancakes themselves are part of an ancient custom with deeply religious roots.

Where Lenten disciplines were strictly observed, this was the last chance to let off steam. The pancake tradition arose from the need to use up all the fat and meat scraps before the Lenten fast began.

‘Mardi Gras’, a term we use somewhat loosely as a fancy name for a fete or carnival, means (literally) ‘fat Tuesday and refers to this same day.
Shrove Tuesday is actually rather a mixture. Along with the carnival atmosphere is the idea of ‘shriving’, which is an old word for confessing. (‘Shrove’ is the past tense of ‘shrive’.) Shrove Tuesday has been observed as a day when people confess their sins and ask forgiveness so that their spirits are cleansed for the beginning of Lent.

Fasting - by giving something up - is an old Lenten custom. Many people think it’s a better idea to take something up like doing some special reading, or special study or even a Lent course.

Tomorrow CTiS will be launching their Lent Course "Lentwise". Building on last years "Beatitudes" couse where we began to develop our understanding of what and how an Christian should behave, this years course will look at how we get through our day to day live as we strive to be more Christ like.

As part of my "taking something up" this study will be part of that. As we progress through I'll be posting reflections. I don't see Lent as a dreary time, for me, it's kind of a quiet time for reflection and study and a time to serve others more.”

Lent is a time of self-discipline and self-denial to help us focus on the spiritual aspects of life, it doesn't mean you can't eat anything; it just means you're more mindful.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Blue Planet Aquarium

Beth and I had a visit to Blue Planet today and enjoyed every minute of it, unfortunately I had to use the phone camera so the pictures aren't as sharp as they would normally be.
The Sea:

Amazon Fish

Malawi Fish:

For more picture follow this link > http://s458.photobucket.com/albums/qq309/worsles/Blue%20Planet%20Feb09/?albumview=slideshow

Wednesday 18 February 2009


You are invited, do come along!
Wed 4 March, 7.30 - 9.30pm St Matthew's Hall You are invited to: A TASTE OF FAIRTRADE an event put on by St Matthew's with the Trafford Fair Trade Steering Group. Come and sample fair trade food and drinks, enjoy a chocolate fondue and home-made cakes, browse a range of stalls: Silver chilli (jewellry); Aztec (Mexican crafts and accessories); Oxfam (Easter eggs and household goods) and Traidcraft (Food and jewellry). All welcome: entry is free.

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for;

11. Moira our new priest in charge, pray for her move to Stretford in the near future.
12. The sick in hospital - especially those waiting for serious operations.

Australian Rainbowfish

Over the last 18 months I have had to shut the Fish House down. This has been mainly due to lack of time, work has been so busy I haven't had time really to look after the fish or start any breeding programs.
However I couldn't do with no aquariums at all so I've set up a single tank in my office. I'm going to have a planted aquarium with Australian Rainbows. Here is my inspiration;

I will try and replicate something like this setup.

I have planted

Amazon Sword x 3
Java Fern x 7
Elodea Densa x 5
Hair Grass

So I'm just waiting now for the tank to mature and the plants to take hold.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Mark 1:29-39

This weeks reading saw Jesus healing those that were brought to him who were sick. Our sermon this week spoke of wholeness and healing around the world. If only there could be peace around the world, if only we could heal the wounds that may have been caused many years ago that still infect the world today. We were told of the crusades and how Christians had been very aggressive to our neighbours in and around the middle east, we sent out large armies to do God's work. Does this mean that our God, the same God is an aggressive God. The God I worship is not aggressive but loving. The problem is here on earth aggression is with people not God. It has been said in some corners that the Arab world must "get over" their grievance with Christians for the crusades over 900 years ago. In my opinion it's not for them to get over it for us as Christians to show them God's love and grace in the deeds and actions we do as people. We should put our faith in God, we should pray for healing and wholeness for the world and most importantly show our neighbours through our own actions that God is Love.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

God working in your life

Finding your niche within the church can be daunting.
Ever since returning to the church I have been trying to discern what God has called me to do.
Being aware of the opportunities God puts you way is sometimes difficult to see when life is busy.

It is only with reflection that I see where God has lead me and what he has had me to do. Each day I say to myself today God will do with me as he wishes, sometime God just helps me get through the day, other times God has a specific purpose and sends me in a direction I was not originally planning and when I look back God must have known.

Recently John came to our church looking for help, this has truly been a lesson of patience, tolerance and understanding. On another occasion a wrong turning led to a chance encounter with a person that needed to talk, someone I hadn't seen for months.

It's amazing what work goes on in the background, when was God last at work in your life, do you know?

Monday 2 February 2009

Sing for Life

In aid of The Anthony Nolan Trust (http://www.anthonynolan.org.uk/)

Sing for Life - with All Saints Church
Sunday 29th March 2009 from 4pm

Help take back lives from leukaemia by supporting this exciting sponsored event.

We will be having a Hymnathon ending with a Songs of Praise @ All Saints Church - Special Guests will also be performing some favourite Gospel songs.

Details will be distributed to all CTiS Churches.

More details to follow.....

Church Buildings

I found this picture when researching a project in Ghana and it made me wonder, is church really about the building?

Have a look at this....

In the background is a very grand building of what I believe is the local Methodist Church, not that it matters who it belongs to.
I suppose this is a sight often seen in area's of poverty, but it does get me thinking. Do we really need such enormous buildings, so grand and so costly when all around there is so much poverty.

Matthew 25

Matthew 25: 35-40

35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.' 37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' 40 And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'

I like the call to action of Matthew 25: 35-40. This passage was the main part of my Advent Reflections. I wanted to open my eyes to my immediate world, lookout for God's opportunities to care and love your neighbour. It is demanding, it is challenging, it is rewarding to see faces and reactions to what is simply not a lot to expect.

I spent most of December highlighting homelessness in Trafford, recycling clothing, taking drinks and food, visiting the sick in hospital and at home.

Why don't you open your eyes to the world just outside you door, see whats going on and get involved. Imagine if more people took these sayings of Jesus on board how different the world would be.

How can the church help people in debt?

A free 2 hour event explaining how you and your church can make a difference to those in financial crisis. I'll put a review of the event once completed.

Trafford Christian Life Centre - Friday Feb 27 @ 7.30pm

The objective of the evening is for Peter Hayes, one of the Area Co-ordinators for Stewardship – a Christian financial support services charity – to talk about ways churches can get involved in this area of debt, using resources available from Stewardship.

The emphasis of Stewardship’s approach is to help people avoid getting into debt i.e. they are not aiming to create debt advisers , an expert role requiring training and licensing. They provide information and tools to help support people with financial planning / budgeting and also to point them in the direction of expert help where needed.

The overall objective of the evening is to help raise awareness both of the issues people might be facing and some tools the church members can use to provide support. The evening is offered with no commitment needed other than to come and hear what Peter has to say. I stress this is not aimed purely at clergy , but anyone who has (or thinks they might have) an interest in this area of ministry. If nothing else you will go away with more information about this very important issue. Please publicise this within your church(es). It would help us with organisation if anyone wishing to attend could contact me in advance to ensure we get enough cups out!!

[Hilary and I have first hand experience of the resources from Stewardship and are now volunteers with Stewardship Money. We have found the information and training we have been given invaluable and trained as budget coaches – a one day session with lots of practical advice which we have already used at TCLC . We will also be running sessions at TCLC in Feb/Mar using the ‘Being Moneywise’ material mentioned on the Stewardship website. We will be covering: How to stay in control : How to Budget: How to deal with credit: ]

CTiS 2009 Lent Course

This years lent course is trying to build on last years success.

Course Title: Lentwise: Spiritual essentials for real life (Lent Course 2009)

As we journey through life, we face challenges - both big and small. What spiritual essentials will help us through life's storms?

Lentwise is a 5-session course which helps us deal with the rigours of real life. Using passages from John's Gospel which have been freshly translated by the author, it explores:

  • direction
  • nourishment
  • wisdom
  • security
  • refreshment

With guidance for leaders, as well as for group members, Lentwise is an inspiring and practical choice for house, cell and Lent groups.

Each session includes material to fill 90 minutes. Each member of the group will need a copy of the book. (Steve will get books @ £4.99 each)

'User friendly, undaunting and profound.' Jane Williams

See Diary Dates..

Sunday 1 February 2009

John - Homeless 4

John left hospital, much better and looking well groomed. He went to live with his Mum away from Stretford. It has been difficult to find anything else out or to contact him. He has been seen in Manchester, still looking healthy and well dressed.

We continue to pray for him along with many others and hope that he continues to improve.

If I find anything out I'll let you all know.

Friday 30 January 2009

Intercessions 31/1/09

Heavenly Father, creator of a universe full of wonder and many still-hidden mysteries. Help us in our modern, sometimes confusing and fast changing world to pause and reflect on your glory and unending grace and in the stillness to listen for your voice speaking to us alone. We bring to you now our prayers and concerns for others confident in the knowledge that our prayers will be both heard and answered. As we pray for your Church both far and near we remember the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations. Help us through our services, community outreaches, study groups and other organisations to be bold in professing our faith and that we may all be one, united in love of you and in service to your world. We pray for our fellow Christians throughout your world, thinking particularly of all those for whom worshipping will lead them into dangers and difficulty. Be near them and give them courage and strength in their witness. Make them aware at all times that you are with them.
We pray for all who share in the church’s mission in this community. Help us to move forward in faith trusting in the guidance of your Holy Spirit and in your divine purpose for us all. Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’We continue to pray for peace in your world, and especially for those involved in the process of reconciliation and bridge building between peoples, cultures or nations.
We pray for the leaders of the countries of the world. Help them so that together they may pursue the search for peace. Above all we pray for those parts of this world where life is a continual struggle and where peace is too often a dream.
Bring peace to Israel and Palestine, to Sri Lanka, and to the many strife torn countries of Africa. Help us to be peacemakers in our neighbourhoods, with those we meet.

We give thanks for the continued cessation of hostilities in and around Gaza but pray for those for whom it has come too late. We pray for all innocent victims of violence and disease in Zimbabwe, we ask that at this critical time you provide hope for the future to those who are needlessly suffering.Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’We pray for our own nation, for Elizabeth our Queen, her ministers and for all who serve the people at all levels of government and responsibility. The current and deepening financial crisis creates uncertainties and hardship at all levels of our society and we pray for careful and considered leadership that transcends party politics and works for the betterment of all sections of our diverse society. As we see the jobless total rise and the increase in the reality of house repossessions on our TV screens, we pray for all charities who work to improve the lives of those blighted by misfortune and earnestly pray that our nation will still maintain its levels of giving.We pray for our armed forces overseas and their families back home and that their time ‘in theatres of conflict’ is brought to a timely conclusion. Help us all to play our part in creating and maintaining a just, equitable and loving society with Christ at the centre of our lives.Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’Lord, we turn our thoughts and prayers to those who are in physical, mental or spiritual need. And let our prayers extend to those who faithfully and lovingly care for them in whatever location or capacity. We pray for those who reach out to those in need to help them to know that they are not forgotten.We bring before you now those who have been made known to us


Let those for whom we pray feel your healing touch in their lives and that through your unfathomable grace they come to know your peace in their lives.Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’The loss of a loved one brings many questions, doubts and mixed emotions which are difficult to express and so we give you thanks Lord for the opportunities in the life of our church to offer support and comfort to those bereaved. And so as we remember and pray for now those who are having to face the future without the physical presence of a loved one we are reminded that as Christians we find comfort in the full and certain knowledge of eternal lifeToday we remember: - PEW SHEET
And those who’s anniversaries fall at this time. PEW SHEET

We pray that we too may come, by your grace to share the life which has no ending.Merciful Father, “Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen”.

Thursday 29 January 2009

Prayer Bulletin

Please include in your prayers this month:
Pray for;
  1. Those caught up in the needless suffering in Zimbabwe.
  2. Continued cessation of hostilities in Gaza
  3. The current and deepening financial crisis creates uncertainties and hardship at all levels of our society and we pray for careful and considered leadership
  4. Pray for those who are in physical, mental or spiritual need and known to you personally
  5. Area's of strife in Africa - War in Congo, Khat (Drug) problems in Ethiopia,
  6. CTiS Lent course - support and fulfilment from the course
  7. Those suffering from substance abuse
  8. The homeless in Trafford
  9. Give thanks for family and friends
  10. Those who are lonely

    More to follow.....

Monday 12 January 2009

John - Homeless 3

A quick update on John.

John is currently in hospital due to an infection. This is much better than being out in this severe weather conditions we have had recently. He is getting treatment and social services are now involved so fingers crossed he keeps to his regime and gets better.

I took him one of our homeless shoeboxes and he was over the moon with the contents and was very excited about having as have and putting on some smelly before his mum came to visit.

Till next time....

Monday 5 January 2009

Christmas to remember..

Christmas 2008, has been one to remember. None of the usual stress, no building work going on. Christmas Eve was spent with family watching TV and getting ready for Midnight Mass, we had an excellent service and once done went home to bed to wait in anticipation of how the kids will react in the morning. First up was Rebecca, then Beth and then Luke (we didn't expect Luke to be up too early :o)). Has Santa been???? "Santa's been" we heard shouts of delight from Beth. Downstairs in five seperate piles were presents left by Santa and guess who's was the biggest pile.............. yes Mum's. I think she was very surprised with the gifts she had to unwrap. By 7.16am all the presents were opened and it was time to return to my nice warm duvet, I think it could still be warm from when I got up :o). Everyone was very happy with their presents, no complaints from anyone. Luke always complained about not having a musical instrument so this year he got one - a Triangle waiting to ting that triangle at the right time was a musical masterpiece.
After the presents we had breakfast and got ready to attend the Parish Christmas Day Service at 10am and from there go and see some of the family gathered at Grandads. presents exchanged, Santa visits every house and leaves presents their for other people, it's amazing how he does it.
Today we have only 11 for Christmas lunch, Grandad, Linda, Rose, Harry, Esther and Bea joined us to celebrate this Christmas. Everyone helped by doing something, peeling spuds and sprouts, getting starters and puddings ready, washing up which was very good. Then sometime around 3.30pm Lunch was served, we always have lunch between 2pm and 6pm so every year were on target - portion control is not one of Jackie's forte's so I dished the grub up. The plates were only half as high but everyone enjoyed it just the same and there was seconds if needed. Fit for busting pudding time, Christmas pud, brandy sauce, mince pies, apple pie, ice cream, fruit what delights mmmm............ I can't eat another thing, I'll have some apple pie no please haha. That's why we sleep during the James Bond film. Mum came in the evening and more gifts. More sleep, more TV and oh I have to do this all again tomorrow.
Boxing Day, we have to organise a buffet today for those who want to attend the Trivial Pursuits Evening to day. What a laugh we had, not sure who won but aren't those kids questions hard. teams as follows; T1 Julie, Steve and Linda T2 Caz, Brian, Rose T3 Jackie, Beth, Rebecca and Heather. Not that I'm competitive or anything but I think T1 won I'm sure.

Anyway a brilliant couple of days, always goes too fast and if you're Christmas was pretty much the same I think we need to count ourselves very lucky. Not everyone has had as good a time as we have this year.

Happy New Year

Perry and Victrix models arrived safely.
A busy Christmas time................

LOTR Troll & Fell Beast complete.
LOTR Morannon Orcs complete.
LOTR Arogorn King MTD and Standing complete.
Napoleon French Light Infantry in progress.

Pictures will follow when I can charge the camera up, the charger is still in the Lake District.