Tuesday 14 August 2007

Intercessions 14/8/07

Loving God, We pray for the world that you have made. We pray for people in places where there is hardship ........., injustice ............, and war.............. . We pray for organisations and individuals working with the poor of the world ............. , for those fighting injustice ........... and those striving for peace ............. .
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, We pray for your Church especially our own clergy in Stretford................ . May they be guided to do what is right and to exercise their power for the benefit of others. We pray for your church throughout the world. May it learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphans and plead for the widows……..
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, We pray for our own country ............... . We ask for wisdom for its leaders and for peace and wholeness for its people.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, We pray for people we know and love ................................. . We pray for the people we have met today and the work we have done and that it will bring us closer to you…………….
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God. We pray for your loving hand to stretch out and bring comfort, care and healing to those known to us to be sick in mind, body or spirit…… We also pray that you will sustain the faith and hope of those who are lonely, oppressed and anxious.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God. We pray for those that we love and see no longer………. We also pray for those recently bereaved, especially we pray for the family of Gerard Michael Tobin who was shot dead this week and Garry Newlove killed protecting his family home and hope that the light of God’s coming may dawn on all those who live in darkness.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer.
Loving God, We thank you that you hear and answer all our prayers. Help us to trust you and show us how we can be used to answer your own prayers and those of others. We lay down these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen.