Sunday 18 October 2009

Walsingham Oct 2009

This year we stayed for a week and loved every minute of it. For those who haven't heard of Walsingham have a look at this link.

17 of us made the journey and stayed in the shrine grounds, what happiness when you get there I hear you ask. Well it's a full week, once you have your room (which are very pleasant) it's down to what you want to take part in. There are regular services and service we organise ourselves, these include Stations of the Cross, 15 outdoor stations that tell the passion story and are used to meditate on the sufferings of Jesus. We had two reflective worship meetings one at the beginning, this was to bring everyone together for prayer and discussion on what this journey meant to each one of us. At the end the meeting concentrated on reflection for the week and suggestions of help for when you returned to normal life. Life is not normal at Walsingham.

This year Stuart and I had the honour of processing Our Lady at the Wednesday evening service, but most of all this year I will remember the healing service and what can only be described as a religious experience - absolutely amazing. There will be some photo's when I get my hands on them.

As part of the visit we take part in shrine prayers comitting ourselves to be more like God. This year we had just missed St Therese relics but to find out more have a look at this;

With a visit to Norwich cathedral, the slipper chapel and RC Shrine a busy and fruitful week was had by all.
I especially had a spiritual week with refreshment and encounters..... can't wait for next year infact I'm planning something already :o)
If you have any suggestions for next year let me know.


Steve said...

Was it a religious experience I experienced?

It was a religious experience!!!

Steve said...

Next year;

The Holy island of Lindisfarne & Durham
St Davids Wales

Silent retreat in a convent or monastery


Unknown said...

I like the idea of St Davids....

Depending where we go there maybe some mileage in a CTiS group not just All Saints? This could work for somewhere further afield like Iona, or Lourdes??

Steve said...

Good thinking Stuart, I was just talking about CTiS and doing more action rather than services together.

I will discuss possibility at one of the CTiS Meetings.

Val said...

Ever since I got back home that phrase, "keep singing; keep walking", has been regularly going through my head. Not sure yet why it should have such resonance with me. All I know is somehow God is speaking to me through those words.