Tuesday 22 September 2009

Reflection - Plasm 139

Hi its been some time since my last blog. I have been really busy and have not found much time for relaxation and reflection really. Sometime my priorities are not always as they should be and I get engrossed in things that should not be so immediate. Recently I have been thinking about getting some time out and reflect over the last few months and respond to Gods giving. Psalm 139 (one of my favourites) God knows me inside and out,He knows what is on my tongue, he knows what I need and I have no way of being anywhere where God isn't. I have been busy but I don't have to worry I haven't missed out on anything, my everyday concerns have been met. What I do need to do is respond and understand God's thoughts for me.

Our annual trip to Walsingham is fast approaching, this will be a good week for fellowship and time for reflection.