Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Prayer October/November

Please include in your prayers this month

  1. continuing prayers while we discover what God is already doing in our community and how we as "church" can get involved.
  2. thanks for refreshment from the pilgrimage to Walsingham
  3. pray for our cuommunities the diversity we can find, unity and working together
  4. increasing understanding of our faiths
  5. 15th Nov - unite in prayer and bring refuge, hope and strength to persecuted Christians
  6. for the work of the CTiS that it grows and is of benefit to some
  7. pray for strength for ourselves to be able to show and tell others what it is really like to be Christian
  8. prays of thanks and remembrance of those lost in all wars, their families and loved ones
  9. pray for creative and new ways to bring church to our communities

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