Prior to starting Fresh Expressions I have felt quite strongly that God was calling me to gather people to bring
my master plan together. Fresh Expressions suggests that you start with prayer. Over the last six weeks I have prayed, listened and prayed and discovered that God is actually challenging me to put aside the ideas and plans that I had conceived and instead to search for interested people where God led me, this is the next step, finding support. I had been trying to fit people into the gaps in my plan, the problem with this is that you are not listening and being open with them, it lags integrity. To build the relationships up that you need to discern Gods call and what we will do in response you need to listen and be open to the people i come into contact with. God is calling me to listen and get to know
unchurched people without jumping in too soon with some form of responsive action.
Through prayer the next step is to find people who have the same interest/calling and are willing to pray and work out what God is saying to us regarding the community needs.
At this moment I do not know how this is going to work, I will continue in prayer and wait to be led to people and places and be able see the opportunities God gives to me.
Prayer is essential and the next step as God leads me within the community is to ask myself "what does loving service look like here?"

I'm sure in time waiting and listening to see what God does with us will build a community of
unchurched and
dechurched people. Let me know if you are
interested in organising prayer meeting
specifically for discerning Gods call in the community.
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