I came across this....
and seen as though Lostock Partnership have spent so much money on the improvements to the local park, including a skate park, something to think about.....
Friday, 30 October 2009
Thursday, 29 October 2009
AS Mens Fellowship Meal
The meal has been rescheduled to Thursday November 19th @ 7.30pm
Please contact Steve to book your place.
The meal has been rescheduled to Thursday November 19th @ 7.30pm
Please contact Steve to book your place.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Walsingham 2009 Pictures
As promised, several pictures from our Walsingham Pilgrimage;
The pilgrims;
Stuart and Steve carry the image of Our Lady;
Bishop Lindsey;

Monday, 26 October 2009
Over and over again, we witness a lack of tolerance amongst us and see those with similar views group together and act against others.
As Christians we are always being asked to be tolerant of others, but what does it actually mean? For most of us it means putting up with something we don't like, the bible tells us to be tolerant, Matthew 7.1 (NIV) "Do not judge or you too will be judged"
How many times do we not tolerate others, their ideas, their practises? Do you want them to follow your own ideas and practises? If you stop and listen to yourself is it that the other person has to be tolerant of you but not you don't have to be tolerant of them, are you saying they should do something else that pleases you and conforms to your ideas and practises? No one is perfect all the time and we can lead a much happier life with tolerance flowing both ways.
As Christians we need to demonstrate love and understanding and it can be done without being judgmental and without conditions. According to Dictionary.com, one definition of tolerance is that it is "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own."
I'm not saying that you sit back and do nothing as this shows no tolerance at all. If you look at the definition above (again) it says objectively, fairly a permissive attitude - not roll over. It is possible to have discussions with people that are respectful even if we don't share the same beliefs and practises. There are lots of examples that we accept without saying anything, for example gossip, if people are gossiping do you let it go, join in even or do you do something about it and be honest with yourself? True tolerance allows us to listen to what the other person is saying. When we listen, we can have great discussions that bridge divides rather than grow rifts.
Even if you do not agree with someone that you feel you must share on the issue, do so in a non-attacking way; maybe ask more questions about their views, differences or cultural beliefs and respectfully share back what you know. Being tolerant can in fact be a good thing, you have to listen and learn, learn more from the person you are having the discussion with, asking questions may just bring a better understanding of why they do what they do and may even enhance what you believe.
Use this verse that promotes tolerance for personal reflection and meditation in quiet moments.
May we remember
In our humanity
We are part of a world family.
Noting differences
While remaining peaceful.
Recognizing that each
Has the right
To determine their reality.
Allowing us to remain calm
When we think others should act differently.
Tolerance breeding happiness
As we take tender insights
Into living.
Blossoming in peace, joy, happiness, love.
Acceptance in love by practicing love.
Meditation - Susan Helene Kramer
As Christians we are always being asked to be tolerant of others, but what does it actually mean? For most of us it means putting up with something we don't like, the bible tells us to be tolerant, Matthew 7.1 (NIV) "Do not judge or you too will be judged"
How many times do we not tolerate others, their ideas, their practises? Do you want them to follow your own ideas and practises? If you stop and listen to yourself is it that the other person has to be tolerant of you but not you don't have to be tolerant of them, are you saying they should do something else that pleases you and conforms to your ideas and practises? No one is perfect all the time and we can lead a much happier life with tolerance flowing both ways.
As Christians we need to demonstrate love and understanding and it can be done without being judgmental and without conditions. According to Dictionary.com, one definition of tolerance is that it is "a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own."
I'm not saying that you sit back and do nothing as this shows no tolerance at all. If you look at the definition above (again) it says objectively, fairly a permissive attitude - not roll over. It is possible to have discussions with people that are respectful even if we don't share the same beliefs and practises. There are lots of examples that we accept without saying anything, for example gossip, if people are gossiping do you let it go, join in even or do you do something about it and be honest with yourself? True tolerance allows us to listen to what the other person is saying. When we listen, we can have great discussions that bridge divides rather than grow rifts.
Even if you do not agree with someone that you feel you must share on the issue, do so in a non-attacking way; maybe ask more questions about their views, differences or cultural beliefs and respectfully share back what you know. Being tolerant can in fact be a good thing, you have to listen and learn, learn more from the person you are having the discussion with, asking questions may just bring a better understanding of why they do what they do and may even enhance what you believe.
Use this verse that promotes tolerance for personal reflection and meditation in quiet moments.
May we remember
In our humanity
We are part of a world family.
Noting differences
While remaining peaceful.
Recognizing that each
Has the right
To determine their reality.
Allowing us to remain calm
When we think others should act differently.
Tolerance breeding happiness
As we take tender insights
Into living.
Blossoming in peace, joy, happiness, love.
Acceptance in love by practicing love.
Meditation - Susan Helene Kramer
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Fresh Expressions 2
Prior to starting Fresh Expressions I have felt quite strongly that God was calling me to gather people to bring my master plan together. Fresh Expressions suggests that you start with prayer. Over the last six weeks I have prayed, listened and prayed and discovered that God is actually challenging me to put aside the ideas and plans that I had conceived and instead to search for interested people where God led me, this is the next step, finding support. I had been trying to fit people into the gaps in my plan, the problem with this is that you are not listening and being open with them, it lags integrity. To build the relationships up that you need to discern Gods call and what we will do in response you need to listen and be open to the people i come into contact with. God is calling me to listen and get to know unchurched people without jumping in too soon with some form of responsive action.
Through prayer the next step is to find people who have the same interest/calling and are willing to pray and work out what God is saying to us regarding the community needs.
At this moment I do not know how this is going to work, I will continue in prayer and wait to be led to people and places and be able see the opportunities God gives to me.
Prayer is essential and the next step as God leads me within the community is to ask myself "what does loving service look like here?"
I'm sure in time waiting and listening to see what God does with us will build a community of unchurched and dechurched people. Let me know if you are interested in organising prayer meeting specifically for discerning Gods call in the community.
Through prayer the next step is to find people who have the same interest/calling and are willing to pray and work out what God is saying to us regarding the community needs.
At this moment I do not know how this is going to work, I will continue in prayer and wait to be led to people and places and be able see the opportunities God gives to me.
Prayer is essential and the next step as God leads me within the community is to ask myself "what does loving service look like here?"

Where do you stand?
600 Church of england Priests are meeting soon to discuss the Popes offer for them to join their own section of the Roman Catholic Church.
This has come about as the C of E is moving towards allowing women bishops and many of the "High Church" catholic Anglicans want access to male alternatives. The Pope has suggested that they can transfer and retain their Anglican identity, seems like an offer they cannot refuse.
But how can the CofE ever unify with Rome when both cannot agree on womens roles within the church?
What does this mean for the CofE is it the end of the chruch as we know it?
Personally I would like for us all to be unified however I can't now see this happening in the current structure, however I do not believe we should be without women in imp[ortant roles.
This has come about as the C of E is moving towards allowing women bishops and many of the "High Church" catholic Anglicans want access to male alternatives. The Pope has suggested that they can transfer and retain their Anglican identity, seems like an offer they cannot refuse.
But how can the CofE ever unify with Rome when both cannot agree on womens roles within the church?
What does this mean for the CofE is it the end of the chruch as we know it?
Personally I would like for us all to be unified however I can't now see this happening in the current structure, however I do not believe we should be without women in imp[ortant roles.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Christian and Jewish Holocaust Study Day
For those who went to the Menorah Synagogue at Sharston to see Rabbi Brian Fox, Rev David Thomas, Rev Rachel Mann debate prayer. Rabbi Brian told us about Holocaust Day and many of you wanted to attend well here are the details;
Date: 13 November 2009 9.00 - 13.30
The study day, an intensive half-day event which has now run annually for ten years, is quite different from the Holocaust Education Trust's national events held each January. We focus on the religious viewpoint rather than the social and political aspects of genocides, and aim to provide unique insights. Our subject matter is serious, but the tone of the event is hopeful and often uplifting.
Menorah Synagogue, 198 Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4RZ
Admission Fee: Free
Contact: Eric Roth - TEL: 0161 485 6051
It should be a very intersting morning. If you would like to go let me know.
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Video
Date: 13 November 2009 9.00 - 13.30
The study day, an intensive half-day event which has now run annually for ten years, is quite different from the Holocaust Education Trust's national events held each January. We focus on the religious viewpoint rather than the social and political aspects of genocides, and aim to provide unique insights. Our subject matter is serious, but the tone of the event is hopeful and often uplifting.
Menorah Synagogue, 198 Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4RZ
Admission Fee: Free
Contact: Eric Roth - TEL: 0161 485 6051
It should be a very intersting morning. If you would like to go let me know.
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Video
CTiS Advent
Advent takes place the 4 Sundays before Christmas Day. Advent is a time of anticipation and hope.
It is the start of a new year for the church but what does it mean for each of us? Does anything change?
Are we going to have a service this year to begin advent?
Advent study group?
Advent reflections?
Suggestions please.
It is the start of a new year for the church but what does it mean for each of us? Does anything change?
Are we going to have a service this year to begin advent?
Advent study group?
Advent reflections?
Suggestions please.
Churches Together in Stretford
Meeting arranged for Tuesday 3rd November at All Saints 7.30pm
For discussion;
Advent Services
Lent Course 2010
Interfaith Week - 15-21 November - http://www.interfaithweek.org/index.htm
International Day of Prayer - 15 November - http://www.csw.org.uk/getinvolvedhome.htm
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - 18-25 January 2010 - http://www.ctbi.org.uk/414
Poverty and Homeless Action Week - 30 Jan - 7 Feb 2010 - http://www.actionweek.org.uk/html/home.html
Anything else that you would like to do as CTiS????
For discussion;
Advent Services
Lent Course 2010
Interfaith Week - 15-21 November - http://www.interfaithweek.org/index.htm
International Day of Prayer - 15 November - http://www.csw.org.uk/getinvolvedhome.htm
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - 18-25 January 2010 - http://www.ctbi.org.uk/414
Poverty and Homeless Action Week - 30 Jan - 7 Feb 2010 - http://www.actionweek.org.uk/html/home.html
Anything else that you would like to do as CTiS????
Lent Courses
Yes it's that time of year again we need to be thinking about what we will be doing in lent 2010. By the time we have thought about what we are doing sent of for the resources it will soon be here.
Lent next year starts on Ash Wednesday 17th Feb and finishes on Holy Saturday 3rd April 2010
Mmmmm will it be savoury, traditional, indulgent or one of everything so besides what filling I should have in my pancake, what resources shall we use???
If you have any ideas let me know..... lets be creative this year and build on the success we have had over the last few years.
Looking forward to responses and any ideas for pancakes also welcome, melted Fair Trade chocolate, FT Brown Sugar, FT Banana filling mmmmmm..................................
Lent next year starts on Ash Wednesday 17th Feb and finishes on Holy Saturday 3rd April 2010
Mmmmm will it be savoury, traditional, indulgent or one of everything so besides what filling I should have in my pancake, what resources shall we use???
If you have any ideas let me know..... lets be creative this year and build on the success we have had over the last few years.
Looking forward to responses and any ideas for pancakes also welcome, melted Fair Trade chocolate, FT Brown Sugar, FT Banana filling mmmmmm..................................
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Saints and Supper
All Saints, Saturday 31st October 7.30pm
Parish social evening. There will be a fire, baked potatoes, hot pot, chat and games.
Bingo !!! Quizes !!! Prizes !!!
All welcome.
Parish social evening. There will be a fire, baked potatoes, hot pot, chat and games.
Bingo !!! Quizes !!! Prizes !!!
All welcome.
Church Mice
I hope Moira doesn't think we fall asleep during her sermons ha ha
See Church Mice at the bottom of this page
See Church Mice at the bottom of this page
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
AS Mens Group
The All Saints Mens group is kicking off again - sorry for the interuption
I'm looking to put a fellowship meeting together in Nov/Dec and then plan for the rest of 2010
ideas so far;
November/December – Evening Meal
January – Discussion
February – Lent Discussion
March – Discussion - Personal Journeys
April – Mission and Outreach
May - Visit to the Gorton Monastery and organised tour of the building (Date TBC)
June – Men’s Retreat (Day or weekend)
July – Joint meeting with spouses?
August – No Event
September - TBC
October - TBC
November - TBC
December – Christmas Meal, (Spouses)
It's not set in stone if anyone wants to share their interests or have contacts then let us know at the next meeting
Watch this space for more details...
I'm looking to put a fellowship meeting together in Nov/Dec and then plan for the rest of 2010
ideas so far;
November/December – Evening Meal
January – Discussion
February – Lent Discussion
March – Discussion - Personal Journeys
April – Mission and Outreach
May - Visit to the Gorton Monastery and organised tour of the building (Date TBC)
June – Men’s Retreat (Day or weekend)
July – Joint meeting with spouses?
August – No Event
September - TBC
October - TBC
November - TBC
December – Christmas Meal, (Spouses)
It's not set in stone if anyone wants to share their interests or have contacts then let us know at the next meeting
Watch this space for more details...
Prayer October/November
Please include in your prayers this month
- continuing prayers while we discover what God is already doing in our community and how we as "church" can get involved.
- thanks for refreshment from the pilgrimage to Walsingham
- pray for our cuommunities the diversity we can find, unity and working together
- increasing understanding of our faiths
- 15th Nov - unite in prayer and bring refuge, hope and strength to persecuted Christians
- for the work of the CTiS that it grows and is of benefit to some
- pray for strength for ourselves to be able to show and tell others what it is really like to be Christian
- prays of thanks and remembrance of those lost in all wars, their families and loved ones
- pray for creative and new ways to bring church to our communities
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Walsingham Oct 2009

This year we stayed for a week and loved every minute of it. For those who haven't heard of Walsingham have a look at this link. http://www.walsinghamanglican.org.uk/welcome/index.htm
17 of us made the journey and stayed in the shrine grounds, what happiness when you get there I hear you ask. Well it's a full week, once you have your room (which are very pleasant) it's down to what you want to take part in. There are regular services and service we organise ourselves, these include Stations of the Cross, 15 outdoor stations that tell the passion story and are used to meditate on the sufferings of Jesus. We had two reflective worship meetings one at the beginning, this was to bring everyone together for prayer and discussion on what this journey meant to each one of us. At the end the meeting concentrated on reflection for the week and suggestions of help for when you returned to normal life. Life is not normal at Walsingham.
This year Stuart and I had the honour of processing Our Lady at the Wednesday evening service, but most of all this year I will remember the healing service and what can only be described as a religious experience - absolutely amazing. There will be some photo's when I get my hands on them.
As part of the visit we take part in shrine prayers comitting ourselves to be more like God. This year we had just missed St Therese relics but to find out more have a look at this; http://catholicrelics.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/walsingham-awash-with-pilgrims-not-rain/
With a visit to Norwich cathedral, the slipper chapel and RC Shrine a busy and fruitful week was had by all.
17 of us made the journey and stayed in the shrine grounds, what happiness when you get there I hear you ask. Well it's a full week, once you have your room (which are very pleasant) it's down to what you want to take part in. There are regular services and service we organise ourselves, these include Stations of the Cross, 15 outdoor stations that tell the passion story and are used to meditate on the sufferings of Jesus. We had two reflective worship meetings one at the beginning, this was to bring everyone together for prayer and discussion on what this journey meant to each one of us. At the end the meeting concentrated on reflection for the week and suggestions of help for when you returned to normal life. Life is not normal at Walsingham.
This year Stuart and I had the honour of processing Our Lady at the Wednesday evening service, but most of all this year I will remember the healing service and what can only be described as a religious experience - absolutely amazing. There will be some photo's when I get my hands on them.
As part of the visit we take part in shrine prayers comitting ourselves to be more like God. This year we had just missed St Therese relics but to find out more have a look at this; http://catholicrelics.wordpress.com/2009/10/06/walsingham-awash-with-pilgrims-not-rain/
With a visit to Norwich cathedral, the slipper chapel and RC Shrine a busy and fruitful week was had by all.
I especially had a spiritual week with refreshment and encounters..... can't wait for next year infact I'm planning something already :o)
If you have any suggestions for next year let me know.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Fresh Expressions
Hi, I have been attending a Fresh Expressions of Church course over the last few weeks. It's come at an opportune time as our church looks to see what God is doing within and outside our Church and how we can move forward and engage with the local community.
Attending the course has given me some motivation (I have been lacking recently) to look at myself and the Church and see where God has been leading us. Throughout the course the message to me has been "relationships" we need to have relationships with others to spread the good news.
We need to know who they are, what they are like and then discover how we can present the Gospel in a challenging and thought provoking method.
AS Mens group will be re-established as this is a important part of my ministry, Men face different challenges and don't always have the place or time to do church things. So providing an environment where men can gather be them selves eat and chat seems perfect to me. Watch this space.......................
Attending the course has given me some motivation (I have been lacking recently) to look at myself and the Church and see where God has been leading us. Throughout the course the message to me has been "relationships" we need to have relationships with others to spread the good news.
We need to know who they are, what they are like and then discover how we can present the Gospel in a challenging and thought provoking method.
AS Mens group will be re-established as this is a important part of my ministry, Men face different challenges and don't always have the place or time to do church things. So providing an environment where men can gather be them selves eat and chat seems perfect to me. Watch this space.......................
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