As with Moira I wasn't born during a war nor have I ever experienced the affects war can have on a community. In the past I have attened Rememberance services with Cubs and Scouts and as a leader, I have slowly over the years seen the amount of people attending dwindle and now I see them increasing in numbers which is good. Still I have not had to experience war. I have a lot of respect for all our troops who have been involved or who are involved in any of the wars around the world at the moment.
The first war I remember was the Falklands war, nobody actually knew where the Falkland Island actually are, most thought they were off the coast of Scotland. I have watched the Gulf war on CNN available 24 hours a day, then Iraq again 24 hours a day but still so far away that they didn't really connect. Now we have Afganistan and our troops are mobilised all over the world and we need to remember both the people of old wars and the new. I don't always agree with the politics of war but our men and women are out there protecting and we must remember them.
The next time you pray for peace in worn torn area's remember our own men and women.
Read Moira's sermon again follow this link Sermon 8/11
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