Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Mark 1:29-39

This weeks reading saw Jesus healing those that were brought to him who were sick. Our sermon this week spoke of wholeness and healing around the world. If only there could be peace around the world, if only we could heal the wounds that may have been caused many years ago that still infect the world today. We were told of the crusades and how Christians had been very aggressive to our neighbours in and around the middle east, we sent out large armies to do God's work. Does this mean that our God, the same God is an aggressive God. The God I worship is not aggressive but loving. The problem is here on earth aggression is with people not God. It has been said in some corners that the Arab world must "get over" their grievance with Christians for the crusades over 900 years ago. In my opinion it's not for them to get over it for us as Christians to show them God's love and grace in the deeds and actions we do as people. We should put our faith in God, we should pray for healing and wholeness for the world and most importantly show our neighbours through our own actions that God is Love.

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