Monday, 23 February 2009

New Windows - At last!!

The new entrance door windows have been installed, nextw eek the new oak panels will be in place, here are a couple of pictures of the progress so far.

They look fantastic, the phone camera does not do them justice...
Next steps; Install Oak panels on bottom of doors and then have them re-polished.

Getting Ready for Lent

Tomorrow is "Shrove Tuesday" and the day before Ash Wednesday the start of Lent.
It's time to start getting ready physically and spiritually for this holy season.
It's a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins.
Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called Pancake Day after the fried batter recipe traditionally eaten on this day.
But there's more to Shrove Tuesday than pigging out on pancakes or taking part in a public pancake race. The pancakes themselves are part of an ancient custom with deeply religious roots.

Where Lenten disciplines were strictly observed, this was the last chance to let off steam. The pancake tradition arose from the need to use up all the fat and meat scraps before the Lenten fast began.

‘Mardi Gras’, a term we use somewhat loosely as a fancy name for a fete or carnival, means (literally) ‘fat Tuesday and refers to this same day.
Shrove Tuesday is actually rather a mixture. Along with the carnival atmosphere is the idea of ‘shriving’, which is an old word for confessing. (‘Shrove’ is the past tense of ‘shrive’.) Shrove Tuesday has been observed as a day when people confess their sins and ask forgiveness so that their spirits are cleansed for the beginning of Lent.

Fasting - by giving something up - is an old Lenten custom. Many people think it’s a better idea to take something up like doing some special reading, or special study or even a Lent course.

Tomorrow CTiS will be launching their Lent Course "Lentwise". Building on last years "Beatitudes" couse where we began to develop our understanding of what and how an Christian should behave, this years course will look at how we get through our day to day live as we strive to be more Christ like.

As part of my "taking something up" this study will be part of that. As we progress through I'll be posting reflections. I don't see Lent as a dreary time, for me, it's kind of a quiet time for reflection and study and a time to serve others more.”

Lent is a time of self-discipline and self-denial to help us focus on the spiritual aspects of life, it doesn't mean you can't eat anything; it just means you're more mindful.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Blue Planet Aquarium

Beth and I had a visit to Blue Planet today and enjoyed every minute of it, unfortunately I had to use the phone camera so the pictures aren't as sharp as they would normally be.
The Sea:

Amazon Fish

Malawi Fish:

For more picture follow this link >

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


You are invited, do come along!
Wed 4 March, 7.30 - 9.30pm St Matthew's Hall You are invited to: A TASTE OF FAIRTRADE an event put on by St Matthew's with the Trafford Fair Trade Steering Group. Come and sample fair trade food and drinks, enjoy a chocolate fondue and home-made cakes, browse a range of stalls: Silver chilli (jewellry); Aztec (Mexican crafts and accessories); Oxfam (Easter eggs and household goods) and Traidcraft (Food and jewellry). All welcome: entry is free.

Prayer Bulletin

Please pray for;

11. Moira our new priest in charge, pray for her move to Stretford in the near future.
12. The sick in hospital - especially those waiting for serious operations.

Australian Rainbowfish

Over the last 18 months I have had to shut the Fish House down. This has been mainly due to lack of time, work has been so busy I haven't had time really to look after the fish or start any breeding programs.
However I couldn't do with no aquariums at all so I've set up a single tank in my office. I'm going to have a planted aquarium with Australian Rainbows. Here is my inspiration;

I will try and replicate something like this setup.

I have planted

Amazon Sword x 3
Java Fern x 7
Elodea Densa x 5
Hair Grass

So I'm just waiting now for the tank to mature and the plants to take hold.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Mark 1:29-39

This weeks reading saw Jesus healing those that were brought to him who were sick. Our sermon this week spoke of wholeness and healing around the world. If only there could be peace around the world, if only we could heal the wounds that may have been caused many years ago that still infect the world today. We were told of the crusades and how Christians had been very aggressive to our neighbours in and around the middle east, we sent out large armies to do God's work. Does this mean that our God, the same God is an aggressive God. The God I worship is not aggressive but loving. The problem is here on earth aggression is with people not God. It has been said in some corners that the Arab world must "get over" their grievance with Christians for the crusades over 900 years ago. In my opinion it's not for them to get over it for us as Christians to show them God's love and grace in the deeds and actions we do as people. We should put our faith in God, we should pray for healing and wholeness for the world and most importantly show our neighbours through our own actions that God is Love.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

God working in your life

Finding your niche within the church can be daunting.
Ever since returning to the church I have been trying to discern what God has called me to do.
Being aware of the opportunities God puts you way is sometimes difficult to see when life is busy.

It is only with reflection that I see where God has lead me and what he has had me to do. Each day I say to myself today God will do with me as he wishes, sometime God just helps me get through the day, other times God has a specific purpose and sends me in a direction I was not originally planning and when I look back God must have known.

Recently John came to our church looking for help, this has truly been a lesson of patience, tolerance and understanding. On another occasion a wrong turning led to a chance encounter with a person that needed to talk, someone I hadn't seen for months.

It's amazing what work goes on in the background, when was God last at work in your life, do you know?

Monday, 2 February 2009

Sing for Life

In aid of The Anthony Nolan Trust (

Sing for Life - with All Saints Church
Sunday 29th March 2009 from 4pm

Help take back lives from leukaemia by supporting this exciting sponsored event.

We will be having a Hymnathon ending with a Songs of Praise @ All Saints Church - Special Guests will also be performing some favourite Gospel songs.

Details will be distributed to all CTiS Churches.

More details to follow.....

Church Buildings

I found this picture when researching a project in Ghana and it made me wonder, is church really about the building?

Have a look at this....

In the background is a very grand building of what I believe is the local Methodist Church, not that it matters who it belongs to.
I suppose this is a sight often seen in area's of poverty, but it does get me thinking. Do we really need such enormous buildings, so grand and so costly when all around there is so much poverty.

Matthew 25

Matthew 25: 35-40

35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.' 37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' 40 And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'

I like the call to action of Matthew 25: 35-40. This passage was the main part of my Advent Reflections. I wanted to open my eyes to my immediate world, lookout for God's opportunities to care and love your neighbour. It is demanding, it is challenging, it is rewarding to see faces and reactions to what is simply not a lot to expect.

I spent most of December highlighting homelessness in Trafford, recycling clothing, taking drinks and food, visiting the sick in hospital and at home.

Why don't you open your eyes to the world just outside you door, see whats going on and get involved. Imagine if more people took these sayings of Jesus on board how different the world would be.

How can the church help people in debt?

A free 2 hour event explaining how you and your church can make a difference to those in financial crisis. I'll put a review of the event once completed.

Trafford Christian Life Centre - Friday Feb 27 @ 7.30pm

The objective of the evening is for Peter Hayes, one of the Area Co-ordinators for Stewardship – a Christian financial support services charity – to talk about ways churches can get involved in this area of debt, using resources available from Stewardship.

The emphasis of Stewardship’s approach is to help people avoid getting into debt i.e. they are not aiming to create debt advisers , an expert role requiring training and licensing. They provide information and tools to help support people with financial planning / budgeting and also to point them in the direction of expert help where needed.

The overall objective of the evening is to help raise awareness both of the issues people might be facing and some tools the church members can use to provide support. The evening is offered with no commitment needed other than to come and hear what Peter has to say. I stress this is not aimed purely at clergy , but anyone who has (or thinks they might have) an interest in this area of ministry. If nothing else you will go away with more information about this very important issue. Please publicise this within your church(es). It would help us with organisation if anyone wishing to attend could contact me in advance to ensure we get enough cups out!!

[Hilary and I have first hand experience of the resources from Stewardship and are now volunteers with Stewardship Money. We have found the information and training we have been given invaluable and trained as budget coaches – a one day session with lots of practical advice which we have already used at TCLC . We will also be running sessions at TCLC in Feb/Mar using the ‘Being Moneywise’ material mentioned on the Stewardship website. We will be covering: How to stay in control : How to Budget: How to deal with credit: ]

CTiS 2009 Lent Course

This years lent course is trying to build on last years success.

Course Title: Lentwise: Spiritual essentials for real life (Lent Course 2009)

As we journey through life, we face challenges - both big and small. What spiritual essentials will help us through life's storms?

Lentwise is a 5-session course which helps us deal with the rigours of real life. Using passages from John's Gospel which have been freshly translated by the author, it explores:

  • direction
  • nourishment
  • wisdom
  • security
  • refreshment

With guidance for leaders, as well as for group members, Lentwise is an inspiring and practical choice for house, cell and Lent groups.

Each session includes material to fill 90 minutes. Each member of the group will need a copy of the book. (Steve will get books @ £4.99 each)

'User friendly, undaunting and profound.' Jane Williams

See Diary Dates..

Sunday, 1 February 2009

John - Homeless 4

John left hospital, much better and looking well groomed. He went to live with his Mum away from Stretford. It has been difficult to find anything else out or to contact him. He has been seen in Manchester, still looking healthy and well dressed.

We continue to pray for him along with many others and hope that he continues to improve.

If I find anything out I'll let you all know.