Monday, 5 January 2009

Christmas to remember..

Christmas 2008, has been one to remember. None of the usual stress, no building work going on. Christmas Eve was spent with family watching TV and getting ready for Midnight Mass, we had an excellent service and once done went home to bed to wait in anticipation of how the kids will react in the morning. First up was Rebecca, then Beth and then Luke (we didn't expect Luke to be up too early :o)). Has Santa been???? "Santa's been" we heard shouts of delight from Beth. Downstairs in five seperate piles were presents left by Santa and guess who's was the biggest pile.............. yes Mum's. I think she was very surprised with the gifts she had to unwrap. By 7.16am all the presents were opened and it was time to return to my nice warm duvet, I think it could still be warm from when I got up :o). Everyone was very happy with their presents, no complaints from anyone. Luke always complained about not having a musical instrument so this year he got one - a Triangle waiting to ting that triangle at the right time was a musical masterpiece.
After the presents we had breakfast and got ready to attend the Parish Christmas Day Service at 10am and from there go and see some of the family gathered at Grandads. presents exchanged, Santa visits every house and leaves presents their for other people, it's amazing how he does it.
Today we have only 11 for Christmas lunch, Grandad, Linda, Rose, Harry, Esther and Bea joined us to celebrate this Christmas. Everyone helped by doing something, peeling spuds and sprouts, getting starters and puddings ready, washing up which was very good. Then sometime around 3.30pm Lunch was served, we always have lunch between 2pm and 6pm so every year were on target - portion control is not one of Jackie's forte's so I dished the grub up. The plates were only half as high but everyone enjoyed it just the same and there was seconds if needed. Fit for busting pudding time, Christmas pud, brandy sauce, mince pies, apple pie, ice cream, fruit what delights mmmm............ I can't eat another thing, I'll have some apple pie no please haha. That's why we sleep during the James Bond film. Mum came in the evening and more gifts. More sleep, more TV and oh I have to do this all again tomorrow.
Boxing Day, we have to organise a buffet today for those who want to attend the Trivial Pursuits Evening to day. What a laugh we had, not sure who won but aren't those kids questions hard. teams as follows; T1 Julie, Steve and Linda T2 Caz, Brian, Rose T3 Jackie, Beth, Rebecca and Heather. Not that I'm competitive or anything but I think T1 won I'm sure.

Anyway a brilliant couple of days, always goes too fast and if you're Christmas was pretty much the same I think we need to count ourselves very lucky. Not everyone has had as good a time as we have this year.

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