Thursday, 25 December 2008

Intercessions 25/12/08

On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy God
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the word of God, let us pray with thankful hearts.
Good and gracious Lord, as we meet together to worship you, we pray that you will grant us a glimpse of your glory so that we may rejoice in your presence and abide in your peace.Lord Jesus, we remember at this time that you came to disturb the world, and to turn the lives of humankind to God. You brought love to those who were unloved, hope to those who had nothing to look forward to, peace to those who were full of anxious daily cares. The bells and lights and presents and decorations in church and in our homes, express our thanks to you, lord, for coming into the world in person.We pray that you will come into our lives at this time to turn us all again to you: to help to see ourselves as we really are and to remove from each one of us all that is unworthy so that we may truly share in your kingdom as we invite you to join us in all the festivities and know the joy of your loving presence.On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy GodLord Jesus, we pray that you will prepare us for your coming into the world:that in these difficult economic times you will drive away despair from our politics that you will revive our dreams of justice and restore our passion for what is right, good and true.May your love motivate our care for this neighbourhood and for the wider community and help us all to play a part in helping to overcome the social ills that drag so many into despair.
We pray that your love will inspire our citizenship so that it rises above the mediocre.Too often we have been silent and missed opportunities to share with others the message of love which you brought into the world and we ask that you will give us all an unquestioning faith, the deep faith of Mary and show us a new way to live, so that, with your forgiveness and with an awareness of your presence, we can truly claim to follow you in thought and word and deed.On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy GodLoving Father we pray for those whom we love, our families and friends, special people you have given to us wherever they may be – for those with whom we hope to share this special time , and particularly those from whom we will be apart. We thank you that neither time nor space can cut us off from the love we have in each other and in you.As the excitement of Christmas builds we give you thanks for children. In their enjoyment of this time may they experience the deep joys that you want for all your children and may your love shine in their hearts. We ask that you will bless children everywhere, especially those in need. Guide and bless all who care for them: parents, child minders, staff in care homes, doctors and nurses. May they all count it a privilege to care for the young people you have committed to them. Where there is deep trauma and suffering we pray that there will be special bonds of love which will help in the process of healing. Lord Jesus, we pray that you will keep close to you those children for whom Christmas is a time of despair and not joy:for those in povertyfor the abused and neglectedfor those whose Christmas will be devastated by violence and bitterness.We pray that you will flood their lives with your love so that they know they are not alone: that in all their sorrows you will be by their side.On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy GodLord Jesus, we pray that you will give us eyes to search the face of the stranger and there see your face. Give us the sensitivity to hear the doubt and hesitation and with that person share their confusions and concerns. There are those whom we know who are ill at this time; in despair or struggling to handle their pain. We pray for them now for you come to us in them and you ask for our love. We give that now as we name them and love them in our hearts………….
What we have promised in love and prayer let us never forget to do.On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy GodFather, into your hands we commend all those who have died and those mourning the loss of loved ones.
ESPECIALLY we remember (IF NEEDED)On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy GodJesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God all those who have died may they celMay they rest in your peace and glory and share your risen life.On this Christmas Day we want to say Thank you, holy GodIn our service this morning we have seen how the candles remind us of the joy that came into the world through Jesus Christ. We know that when this season is over the candles will burn low and die out but we rejoice that your true light can never be extinguished from our lives. As our thoughts turn towards Bethlehem grant to each one of us your spirit of love that we may worship as the shepherds did. Let us be open to your coming so that you will truly be born into our hearts. Be with us now and with all who worship you at this time wherever they may be. Help us all to show our gratitude by loving you and those around us – not only at Christmas but every day of our lives.Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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