18th Sunday after Trinity – Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist.
21st September 2008
Steve Worsley
Psalm 119:65-72
Prov 3:13-18
2Cor 4: 1-6
Matt 9:9-13
Helen’s asked if I would cover the sermon slot this week. I said yes – I can never say no :o) Then it hit me what was I going to talk about? How could I follow on from the last one I did – I wondered what I had actually agreed to. But not to worry put your faith in God Steve and it will all work out fine.
I looked for inspiration and found nothing, it’s like one of the desert moments in our lives, then I found out what today’s reading were. Matthew 9:9-13, God must be working in my life; I knew this passage in fact I knew it very well. I read this passage a lot. It’s one of those passages I turn to on a regular basis.
Why do I read it, Jesus calling Matthew and a big feast with cheats, liars, robbers – Great story, do you not think so?
It reminds me of why I follow Jesus; it reminds me where I was and where I wanted to be.
I think, my life is very similar to Matthews, I don’t mean I work for the Inland Revenue or anything like that but over the years I have done, said and thought all sorts of things that I’m not proud of and I’m sure Matthew is thinking just that when Jesus says to him “Follow Me”
This story is about an ordinary person, an ordinary person like me and like you being called by Jesus to be one of his first disciples
Jesus saw something in Matthew that made him think that he was a suitable prospect to help in spreading the good news.
This ordinary person was a tax collector and you may not think that’s much but like to earlier when I said Inland Revenue and you all winced, tax collectors in the time of Jesus were even worse, they were hated for being embezzlers, cheats, they were corrupt and as they were working for Rome they were viewed as traitors.
How can this tax collector be a suitable prospect for the job of running the kingdom? Tax collectors are not admired, he didn’t seem to have any particular talents, he was so to speak one of the little people and he was invited to become one of the foundation stones of Church and eventually write a Gospel.
Like Mathew, I didn’t think I had any particular talents and a small fish in a big pond.
So why Matthew, I think Matthew, at the bottom of his heart wanted to change, he didn’t like what he was doing, he didn’t like what his life stood for, he knew there must be something more. As soon as Jesus said follow me he did.
Once Matthew had accepted his new post, he did what we all do, hold a celebration. Matthew had a feast over at his house and invited all his friends, other tax collectors, cheats and robbers and Jesus joins them and eats with them. Matthew new what social customs he was violating of course, but Matthew had already learned the lesson that was about to be taught to the others.
Now this is what I do – imagine yourself in the scene, you have been invited to the feast.
Are you sat at the table?
We know where the sinful people are but what about the righteousness? What are the Pharisee doing? Remember they are strict observers of the traditions especially when it comes to ceremonial cleanliness.
Where are the Pharisees in the room?
The Pharisee are outside the room probably wondering why Jesus is eating with such a bad crowd. Are you sitting at the table eating with Jesus or stood outside with the Pharisees?
I know once upon a time I would have been stood outside,
Imagine who could be sat at your table today, a drunk, a drug addict, a gang member, the local tramp - would you be happy sitting with these people, at your table?
I read this passage to remind me that I’m not righteous, I have imperfections but I want to change and I have responded to Jesus’ Follow Me.
Jesus mingled with these people and said:
Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick…….
In this call of Matthew followed by the feast at his house, I think Jesus taught some important lessons concerning discipleship and evangelism;
Don’t prejudge yourself or others……
Few could surpass Paul for the things he was guilty of - READ (get a Bible) 1 TIM 1:12-16
Jesus see’s people, not for what they are but for what they can become….
Peter did not live up to his name (a rock), until several years of growth as a disciple
We must never forget….
No Christian is perfect only forgiven
A Saint is a sinner who keeps trying
Churches grow out of weakness, not strength
That is we are willing to accept weak, imperfect members and help them to grow
This is re-iterated when Jesus told the chief priests in Matthew 21: 31 Truly I tell, you the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the Kingdom of God ahead of you…
So, if, on honest reflection you see yourself more like the Pharisee than his new found disciple you are indeed in need of spiritual healing provided by the great physician.
So let us ordinary as we may be in our calling, in our profession, in our work and in our abilities know that Jesus has called us to his friendship and to share in his mission in bringing him to the world around us. We may be ordinary but we have a great resource to sustain us, the Holy Spirit so let us use it and share our faith with others..
Let us finish with a prayer…..
Heavenly Father, who creates all things for a reason,shape us like clay to your purpose, tell us our true names.Fire us with the Holy Spirit, in darkness and in light.Guide us to the people and places that can work your will in us.For we are ready, Lord,to be made your servants and your disciples in Jesus’ name.Amen.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Building a Railway - A Life's Ambition
Over a period of time I will show how the railway progresses. My main problem has been space and lack of it, however the new loft will become available soon. It is because of this new loft space I have stopped work, I may be able to build something larger.

The layout at the moment is fairly basic, I have been collecting potential track plans and base board information. Lets see how it progresses.
The layout at the moment is fairly basic, I have been collecting potential track plans and base board information. Lets see how it progresses.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Intercessions 16/9/08
Let's pause for a minute and think about all the occasions when we have to decide which path to take, which person to support, what life choices to make. Let's take a moment to think, too, about how we react to other people who make choices that are different from our own.
Let us pray:
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the whole family of your church. Bless our Bishop’s and clergy, give your grace to our lay people here at All Saints, that they may lead us with strength and unity. Help them to see their work as service and their role as stewards of your church.
Give courage to those who are discerning their own calling within your church, show them your will, help them to understand and see your work in the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for our country. Let your love surround the Queen and her family; give wisdom and guidance to our statesmen and leaders, and to all who have responsibility. During these times of economic hardship guide those making decisions to make things easier for the majority, may they do this without greed or selfishness.
We pray for our world, have mercy for those in distress from war, famine and other natural disasters. Heal the sick and injured, give peace to the dying, comfort those living with loss and to those trying to bring relief and order give wisdom, courage and strength.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the friendship we find within the family of our church both here at All Saints and our friends at other churches in Stretford.
The comfort, peace and love of Christian friendship gives us strength. As we find these joys in our own lives may we also give them to others.
Almighty God, open our hearts that we may welcome and share our faith with others; open wide our minds that we may receive new truth and understand your will; open wide our doors that as we have come in to worship so we may go out with you to the service of the world; open wide our lives that through discipline and prayer we may experience your power in daily living.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you, O Lord, that in a world where many disagreements exist between men, women and nations, your gospel comes to break down the barriers that divide, bringing friendship that extends across all boundaries because of our common faith in Jesus Christ.
We pray today for people in countries other than our own; in countries where governments are hostile, war and natural disasters cause suffering, healing God lay your hands on those who are suffering so that they may know the support of your presence.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the children and young people especially those revising and getting ready for exams.
They are part of this church family which you have brought together in fellowship and care. For those leading the young in our church may your Holy Spirit increase in them the gifts and skills they bring to their work; grant them patience, imagination and love sufficient for their work. Help us all to respond to their needs.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for those who are old. Our thoughts are especially with those who have become frail and weak, those whose eyesight is failing; those who find it difficult to hear. We think of the lonely, with many memories and few friends to fill the long hours of the day; those who must have things done for them, when they wish so much they could still do them for themselves; those who are housebound, or living in hospitals or homes.
We pray for those who care for them and we pray that we ourselves may never neglect any opportunity to offer friendship and help. Teach us to be watchful for their needs and patient with their frailty and slowness, loving and serving them as honoured members of your family.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for people who are ill in mind body and spirit, in hospitals, at home, or wherever they may be.
Especially those who have been made know to us……………. PEW SHEET
Give them courage, hope and peace, and the knowledge that you are present in their weakness, pain and suffering.
Heavenly Father, we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them. Give to them, Father, the strong comfort which no one else can give, and let them know the comforting power of the resurrection of Jesus.
We remember those whose anniversaries fall at this time………………..
Eternal God, in your unchanging love receive all those who have died in faith, that they may rejoice in you for ever.
Merciful Father:accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Psalm 74
Mark 14: 12-25
Let us pray:
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the whole family of your church. Bless our Bishop’s and clergy, give your grace to our lay people here at All Saints, that they may lead us with strength and unity. Help them to see their work as service and their role as stewards of your church.
Give courage to those who are discerning their own calling within your church, show them your will, help them to understand and see your work in the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for our country. Let your love surround the Queen and her family; give wisdom and guidance to our statesmen and leaders, and to all who have responsibility. During these times of economic hardship guide those making decisions to make things easier for the majority, may they do this without greed or selfishness.
We pray for our world, have mercy for those in distress from war, famine and other natural disasters. Heal the sick and injured, give peace to the dying, comfort those living with loss and to those trying to bring relief and order give wisdom, courage and strength.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the friendship we find within the family of our church both here at All Saints and our friends at other churches in Stretford.
The comfort, peace and love of Christian friendship gives us strength. As we find these joys in our own lives may we also give them to others.
Almighty God, open our hearts that we may welcome and share our faith with others; open wide our minds that we may receive new truth and understand your will; open wide our doors that as we have come in to worship so we may go out with you to the service of the world; open wide our lives that through discipline and prayer we may experience your power in daily living.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you, O Lord, that in a world where many disagreements exist between men, women and nations, your gospel comes to break down the barriers that divide, bringing friendship that extends across all boundaries because of our common faith in Jesus Christ.
We pray today for people in countries other than our own; in countries where governments are hostile, war and natural disasters cause suffering, healing God lay your hands on those who are suffering so that they may know the support of your presence.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the children and young people especially those revising and getting ready for exams.
They are part of this church family which you have brought together in fellowship and care. For those leading the young in our church may your Holy Spirit increase in them the gifts and skills they bring to their work; grant them patience, imagination and love sufficient for their work. Help us all to respond to their needs.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for those who are old. Our thoughts are especially with those who have become frail and weak, those whose eyesight is failing; those who find it difficult to hear. We think of the lonely, with many memories and few friends to fill the long hours of the day; those who must have things done for them, when they wish so much they could still do them for themselves; those who are housebound, or living in hospitals or homes.
We pray for those who care for them and we pray that we ourselves may never neglect any opportunity to offer friendship and help. Teach us to be watchful for their needs and patient with their frailty and slowness, loving and serving them as honoured members of your family.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for people who are ill in mind body and spirit, in hospitals, at home, or wherever they may be.
Especially those who have been made know to us……………. PEW SHEET
Give them courage, hope and peace, and the knowledge that you are present in their weakness, pain and suffering.
Heavenly Father, we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them. Give to them, Father, the strong comfort which no one else can give, and let them know the comforting power of the resurrection of Jesus.
We remember those whose anniversaries fall at this time………………..
Eternal God, in your unchanging love receive all those who have died in faith, that they may rejoice in you for ever.
Merciful Father:accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Psalm 74
Mark 14: 12-25
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Workbench - 6093 Austrian Infantry 1798-1805
Italeri 1/72 Austrian Infantry 1798-1805

Plastic Soldier Review: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.asp?manu=ITA&code=6093
Images of progress to follow.....................

Plastic Soldier Review: http://www.plasticsoldierreview.com/Review.asp?manu=ITA&code=6093
Images of progress to follow.....................
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Intercessions 7/9/08
Heavenly Father, you are the father of all people and we bring our prayers knowing that you will hear us and help us.
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the whole family of your church. Give the leaders of your Church our bishops, ministers and lay people grace to see their work as service and their role as stewards.
Grant that we, and all your people, may be built up in our faith, and always show in our lives the love we see in Jesus.
Give courage to those who find it hard to follow you; to those who are finding it difficult to have faith because of a personal hardship or tragedy and to those who are made to suffer for their faith. Let your Holy Spirit support them, and may all Christians stand firm in the hope that your kingdom of love will come into the whole world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for our country. Let your love surround the Queen and her family; give wisdom and guidance to our statesmen and leaders, and to all who have responsibility in education, industry, and commerce.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the friendship we find within the family of our church. We are grateful for the support and goodwill of Christian friends around us. This is part of the joy of belonging to the church family. The comfort, peace and love of Christian friendship gives us strength. As we find these joys in our own lives may we also give them to others. Help us to understand, love and serve each other so that our thankfulness is expressed in deed as well as word.
Almighty God, open our hearts that we may welcome and share our faith with others; open wide our minds that we may receive new truth and understand your will; open wide our doors that as we have come in to worship so we may go out with you to the service of the world; open wide our lives that through discipline and prayer we may experience your power in daily living.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you, O Lord, that in a world where many disagreements exist between men, women and nations, your gospel comes to break down the barriers that divide, bringing friendship that extends across all boundaries because of our common faith in Jesus Christ.
We pray today for people in countries other than our own; in countries where governments are hostile, war and natural disasters cause suffering, healing God lay your hands on those who are suffering so that they may know the support of your presence.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the children and young people of our church, and for those who are beginning to sense the wonder, the mystery, and the difficulty of life. They are part of this church family which you have brought together in fellowship and care. We pray for understanding and wisdom in our worship and life together, so that all we do may lead our children into a fuller and richer understanding of your love and purpose. Help us to respond to their needs. Give us patience and compassion. Help us to offer them our time and our experience with true sincerity and love.
We thank you Lord, for those who have accepted the care and leadership of children and young people in the church. May your Holy Spirit increase in them the gifts and skills they bring to their work; grant them patience, imagination and love sufficient for their tasks and in the fullness of time, crown their service with true success.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for those who are old. Our thoughts are especially with those who have become frail and weak, those whose eyesight is failing; those who find it difficult to hear. We think of the lonely, with many memories and few friends to fill the long hours of the day; those who must have things done for them, when they wish so much they could still do them for themselves; those who are housebound, or living in hospitals or homes.
We pray for those who care for them and we pray that we ourselves may never neglect any opportunity to offer friendship and help. Teach us to be watchful for their needs and patient with their frailty and slowness, loving and serving them as honoured members of your family.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for people who are ill in mind body and spirit, in hospitals, at home, or wherever they may be.
Especially those who have been made know to us……………. PEW SHEET
Give them courage, hope and peace, and the knowledge that you are present in their weakness, pain and suffering.
Heavenly Father, we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them. Give to them, Father, the strong comfort which no one else can give, and let them know the comforting power of the resurrection of Jesus.
We remember those whose anniversaries fall at this time………………..
Eternal God, in your unchanging love receive all those who have died in faith, that they may rejoice in you for ever.
Merciful Father:accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the whole family of your church. Give the leaders of your Church our bishops, ministers and lay people grace to see their work as service and their role as stewards.
Grant that we, and all your people, may be built up in our faith, and always show in our lives the love we see in Jesus.
Give courage to those who find it hard to follow you; to those who are finding it difficult to have faith because of a personal hardship or tragedy and to those who are made to suffer for their faith. Let your Holy Spirit support them, and may all Christians stand firm in the hope that your kingdom of love will come into the whole world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for our country. Let your love surround the Queen and her family; give wisdom and guidance to our statesmen and leaders, and to all who have responsibility in education, industry, and commerce.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the friendship we find within the family of our church. We are grateful for the support and goodwill of Christian friends around us. This is part of the joy of belonging to the church family. The comfort, peace and love of Christian friendship gives us strength. As we find these joys in our own lives may we also give them to others. Help us to understand, love and serve each other so that our thankfulness is expressed in deed as well as word.
Almighty God, open our hearts that we may welcome and share our faith with others; open wide our minds that we may receive new truth and understand your will; open wide our doors that as we have come in to worship so we may go out with you to the service of the world; open wide our lives that through discipline and prayer we may experience your power in daily living.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
We thank you, O Lord, that in a world where many disagreements exist between men, women and nations, your gospel comes to break down the barriers that divide, bringing friendship that extends across all boundaries because of our common faith in Jesus Christ.
We pray today for people in countries other than our own; in countries where governments are hostile, war and natural disasters cause suffering, healing God lay your hands on those who are suffering so that they may know the support of your presence.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for the children and young people of our church, and for those who are beginning to sense the wonder, the mystery, and the difficulty of life. They are part of this church family which you have brought together in fellowship and care. We pray for understanding and wisdom in our worship and life together, so that all we do may lead our children into a fuller and richer understanding of your love and purpose. Help us to respond to their needs. Give us patience and compassion. Help us to offer them our time and our experience with true sincerity and love.
We thank you Lord, for those who have accepted the care and leadership of children and young people in the church. May your Holy Spirit increase in them the gifts and skills they bring to their work; grant them patience, imagination and love sufficient for their tasks and in the fullness of time, crown their service with true success.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for those who are old. Our thoughts are especially with those who have become frail and weak, those whose eyesight is failing; those who find it difficult to hear. We think of the lonely, with many memories and few friends to fill the long hours of the day; those who must have things done for them, when they wish so much they could still do them for themselves; those who are housebound, or living in hospitals or homes.
We pray for those who care for them and we pray that we ourselves may never neglect any opportunity to offer friendship and help. Teach us to be watchful for their needs and patient with their frailty and slowness, loving and serving them as honoured members of your family.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Hear our prayer, Lord, for people who are ill in mind body and spirit, in hospitals, at home, or wherever they may be.
Especially those who have been made know to us……………. PEW SHEET
Give them courage, hope and peace, and the knowledge that you are present in their weakness, pain and suffering.
Heavenly Father, we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them. Give to them, Father, the strong comfort which no one else can give, and let them know the comforting power of the resurrection of Jesus.
We remember those whose anniversaries fall at this time………………..
Eternal God, in your unchanging love receive all those who have died in faith, that they may rejoice in you for ever.
Merciful Father:accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Thursday, 4 September 2008

Luke, Rebecca and Bethany on a day out at the Chill Factore.
Tubing they call it.
Good fun and some good food afterwards ;o)
Next time we want to do climbing.
Tubing they call it.
Good fun and some good food afterwards ;o)
Next time we want to do climbing.
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