Tuesday Prayers
The response
Let us spend a moment in quiet to let God’s presence be felt and help us to hear you during our prayers.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, For you reach out to each of us in love and peace.
You offer us healing and power and you call us to share in teling this Good News to all people.
Blessed are you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord God, we pray for your church and for the good news of the gospel.
We pray for your Church here at All Saints and all who help to keep things moving whilst we await our new minister.
We ask your blessing upon all who seek to share in the mission and outreach of Christ.
We pray that all within your Church may be enabled to fulfil their vocation.
May the Church grow in holiness, in outreach and in number.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord God, we pray for your world, for those who harvest the crops.
We pray that the hungry can be fed, the homeless, the displaced for whatever reason can be cared for.
We ask you to guide those who are in charge of food and aid distribution and may no one suffer from greed and selfishness.
We ask for your blessing on all who are striving to bring peace to our world and at this time remember Zimbawbe, Burma, China at there troubled times
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord God, we pray for our community, we give thanks to those who help others in need so that they may enjoy life to the full.
We ask for your blessing on our homes and families and those who seek to strengthen family life and to improve our surroundings.
We pray for our friends and neighbours who may feel lonely or unwanted
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord God, we pray for those that are ill in mind body and spirit, we pray for those who are ill at home or in hospital.
Those that are depressed, discouraged, those that have fallen to weariness or sorrow.
We pray for those that are known to us and need your help in a moment of silence or out loud…..
Jean Ingham
Mrs Cheshire
And we pray for those who have been made known to us………………..
We pray for all who are separated from their loved ones through illness.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer
Lord God, we give thanks that you offer us eternal life in Christ Jesus.
Bless our loved ones and friends who have departed from us.
We pray for those know in our hearts……
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Lord God, trusting in your love and mercy, we lay these prayers before you, which we ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Merciful father
Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
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