Two years we have now had a new priest. They say the first 12 months the new priest stands back and see what happens. Month 13 onwards they start to change things. Unfortunately we haven't seen anything, the church seems to have stood still. No one has done anything, numbers are down, PCC membership is down, social events are down. It sounds very disturbing but on the other hand although we have spent a couple of years in the wilderness it looks like now we are finding our way.
Several new initiatives have started, Men and Womens fellowship groups, the youth have been re-connected and enjoyed an evening together. These are mustard seeds, sown and now need nurturing. We have several other activities that will also help to bring the congregation together - an evening of bowls and fellowship, group prayers where we can hope to provide support and encouragement to others.
Dear Lord,
We pray for our church family here at All Saints, give us courage and strength to seek your mission in our community, we have to do your work to see your presence, if we do not get involved we cannot have our hearts and eyes opened.
Lord in your Mercy - Hear our Prayer
Heavenly Father,
guide us as we encourage each other in words and deed, help us not to loose sight when things fail or go wrong, how can we find the right path if you don't show us.
Lord in your Mercy - Hear our Prayer
Heavenly Father,
As we begin to sow these seeds, scatter them on good ground so that they may provide a strong foundation for the future.
Lord in your Mercy - Hear our Prayer